Malikk AustinMalikk Austin
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A CRT supporting parent, Malikk Austin, took to threatening parents at a school board meeting in Fort Worth Independent School District on November 9.

During Austin’s rant, he turned to address the parents in the audience who spoke out against CRT.

“For those who got an issue with this critical race theory equity, this is something I fight for, for my children,” Austin, who is African American, began. “How dare you come out here and talk about the things that my daddy and my grandparents went through, the lynching, the oppression, Jim Crow, and my kids are still being afflicted by this.”

“We are not our ancestors,” Austin added. “I got over 1,000 soldiers ready to go.”

Crt Supporting Parent Threatens Other Parents At School Board Meeting 1

Other parents at the meeting yelled back that Mr. Austin should address the school board, not the audience, to which he replied, “My First Amendment rights!”

Over the past few months, those who oppose CRT and have been outspoken at school board meetings have been deemed domestic terrorists after the National School Board Association sent a letter to the DOJ.

Of course after tremendous backlash and states distancing themselves from the organization they issued an apology.

In a message to NSBA members, the board said that “we regret and apologize for the letter,” which was sent Sept. 29 and co-signed by association CEO Chip Slaven and President Viola Garcia.

These people were quick to scream that we are terrorists for simply standing up and demanding they actually listen to the parents. We do have the right to have a say in what teachers are teaching our children. We have the right to refuse the indoctrination that is pushed in the schools.

“To be clear, the safety of school board members, other public school officials, and students is our top priority, and there remains important work to be done on this issue,” the board wrote. “However, there was no justification for some of the language included in the letter.”

Those of us who stand up against the very racist CRT that is being piped into schools are called the terrorists while a man who openly threatens an entire audience of fellow parents gets zero mention in the MSM.

“Absolutely, it made me feel threatened,” Hollie Plemmons, a stay-at-home mother of three, told Fox News on Sunday. “I’m scared and I’m afraid he’s going to do something.”

When Plemmons repeatedly spoke up and offered to speak with Austin, he shot back, “But you’re not intelligent, you are not intelligent.” (His remarks in the video begin around the 34:30 mark.)

After Austin’s one minute to speak had run out, officers came and escorted him out of the room. During this time, he shouted, “I’ll bring my soldiers with me next time… locked and loaded.” 

Plemmons responded, asking, “Did you just threaten me?”

He repeated, “Locked and loaded.”

“This gentleman was profoundly angry, he was not putting on a performance,” Guarneri said. “When he made the statement that he had his thousand soldiers and they’d be back locked and loaded, it was very frightening to me.”

According to the Daily Mail, Austin’s Facebook page “indicates that Austin is a member of The Brotherhood Movement, but a spokesperson for the group told that he has ‘moved on’ from the organization.”

The Brotherhood Movement is a black militant movement known for organizing and carrying out armed marches through streets in American towns and cities.

Fort Worth Independent School District Superintendent Kent P. Scribner is no stranger to CRT and the indoctrination of our children. He has bragged on zoom calls about embracing the racists and divisive propaganda which has only created more anger within his district.

Will the FBI and the DOJ investigate this man and his 1,000 soldiers or wait until they do show up at a school board meeting “locked and loaded”?

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