Are Unvaccinated Australians In Trouble? 1
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Disturbing videos have been coming out of Australia the past week that makes us wonder if Unvaccinated Australians are in trouble.

It all started with the video of police pepper spraying and arresting children for not wearing masks in public, arresting teenagers for hanging out on a beach, a woman who wanted to organize a protest due to the lockdowns and draconian laws, and hunting down a man who left quarantine.

We saw the New South Wells priemier, Dr. Kerry Chant, admit that to a New World Order during a press conference about unvaccinated Australians and when they could expect things to go back to normal.

“We have obviously consulted the national plan, we’ve also had input from our health experts and stakeholders to make sure that when we start reopening at 70 per cent double dose that it’s done in a safe way and it’s only for people who are vaccinated,” she added.

“So you have been warned! If you’re not vaccinated, come forward and get the vaccine otherwise you won’t be able to participate in the many freedoms that people have at 70 per cent vaccination,” said Berejiklian.

Who else has been talking about taking away freedoms? That’s right, the former vice president, Joe Biden.

Unvaccinated Australians

Another video has popped up in the past few days. A man is seen in a hotel room recording as another man has a breakdown. The second man is arguing with the police about being forced to remain quarantined after 14 days. The police then threaten to gas the man if he does not comply.

What the video appears to confirm is that tyrannical Australian authorities are:

1) Not releasing people after they “serve” a 14-day forced quarantine. (You can check in but you never check out.)

2) Threatening to “gas” prisoners if they don’t obey. It’s not clear from the video whether this “gas” involves gassing someone with tear gas or a Zyklon B-like death gas, but in either case, it is a gross violation of fundamental human rights.

Was the police officers threat a real threat? Is the Australian government taking a page out of 1940 Germany’s handbook? World leaders have been expressing their deep displeasure with those of us who refuse to comply with their over-reaching, tyrannical rules, but oh well.

Are the unvaccinated Australians in trouble? And is the facism that we are seeing there going to spread? One of the problems that we have been able to see right off the bat is the fact Australians willingly handed over their firearms a few decades ago.

Thanksfully we here in the United States still have our 2A.

Of course, France isn’t to be outdone. Go read about what’s happening to the citizens over there.

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