Portland Thugs Throw Smoke And Fireworks
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Portland Rioters Use Smoke and Fireworks to Keep Police From Encroaching, Lasers Still Too

The city and politicians tried to blame the increasing violence in Portland on the Federal agents that were defending Federal property. We can now officially call that another false narrative developed to hide the truth.

The night of August 7th, 2020 saw another new tactic being used by the rioters in Portland. This time, they decided to use smoke and fireworks together. This creates a wall of smoke, bright lights and hot sparks. This kept police from encroaching as this is a dangerous “wall” to try and cross.

Check it out for yourself.

On top of the new tactics being used, the old one of shining lasers is still in play, as you can see. The rioters seem to believe they “won” this contest as you can hear and see them celebrating.

Who knows if this is just another piece of propaganda that they get to place around the internet as a “battle won.” How very modern terrorist of them…

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Video: Portland Rioters Create Havoc With Smoke And Fireworks Against Police 1
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