Rioters Attack Older Woman
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In Portland, Rioters Attack Older Woman with Words, Threats and White Liquid

Last night, August 6th, 2020, Portland rioters continued for the 71st night in a row. One of the many targets was the East Precinct for the 2nd night in a row. This time, however, an older woman stood in front to try and keep the rioters from attacking the building.

The rioters weren’t having any and instead turned their attention all on her. The rioters attacked her with defamatory words and some kind of white liquid. It;s possible it was paint, but it is still unknown at this time. See for yourself.

As you witnessed with your own eyes, these riots are NOT getting any calmer. It’s interesting to note that at another point in the live stream, a person in the group marked as “press” welcomed a talk instead of violence. This person literally said that violence fighting violence doesn’t work and if people were to just talk to them, that would start making change.

How did that work out for this older woman? Doesn’t look like it worked out too well for her.

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Rioters Attack Older Woman Who Tries To Stop East Precinct From Being Attacked On 2Nd Night 1
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