White Attacked By Group Of Blacks
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UPDATE: Video uploaded to our website after being taken down from our YouTube channel.

Man Attacked by Group of Blacks Carrying Unknown Flags and Colors on Masks

A white male was viciously attacked and beaten by an unknown group of black men and women. The flags they are carrying and waving don’t seem to match up one hundred percent with anything that exists out of Africa or the Middle East.

Their face masks also seem to throw everything off even more as instead of a green, yellow and red color order, the masks show a red, green and red order and a yellow symbol which looks like a seashell.

Take a look for yourself.

Luckily, it looks like the man attacked is okay, but this is yet another attack completely ignored by most of the mainstream media. Is this escalated because of BLM or the fake news mainstream media?

What are your thoughts on the beating and the fact that this is still being ignored and getting worse? Do you have any further info on this incident or any guesses at what these flags are? Let us know below by creating an account and leaving a comment.

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Updated: White Male Attacked By Group Of Blacks; Media Silent Again 1
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