The Pittsburgh And Philadelphia Teams Take a Stand Against ‘Social Injustices, Racism And Hate’
In today’s first of twelve exhibition games, it would seem that the NHL is also now jumping on the bandwagon to support the false narrative behind Black Lives Matter. Although, many would say this isn’t as bad as kneeling for the flag, the fact that the NHL is supporting the movement and/or organization at all, is bad enough.
Even more, many replies to these Tweets questions that idea that politics needs to be brought into sports at all, no matter the movement being pushed.
The Pittsburgh Penguins didn’t specifically mention Black Lives Matter, but did show support for issues that the movement pushes, but have ultimately been overblown and made a cover for other agendas.
The Philadelphia Flyers, on the other hand, do show support for black lives matter. As it is lowercase, it’s assumed this is support for the movement and not the organization (if they are even aware of the organization), but the movement is based on a false narrative. It’s worth noting, however, that the organization and movement have pretty much morphed into the same agenda.
NHL on NBC also Tweeted.
Although the idea of teams standing together like this is fine on the surface, showing support for a movement and inaccurate ideas and overblown issues, isn’t fine. Outside of the Pittsburgh and Philadelphia teams, other teams have shown support for Black Lives Matter, like the Washington Capitals.
What do you think? Is this enough for you to stop watching the NHL? Is this okay as long as they don’t push it further? Sign up for an account and let us know below.
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