Lil Blessings Childcare and Learning Center employees have come under fire after video of them terrorizing dozens of toddlers surfaced this week.
The daycare worker at Lil Blessings Childcare and Learning Center is seen wearing a scary Halloween mask while creeping around a room of petrified toddlers while screaming at the ones who were “bad” and staying away from those who are “good”. The woman wearing the mask at times chases after screaming toddlers as they try desperately to hide from her with tears streaming down their innocent little faces.
Throughout the entire video, children can be seen sobbing as the woman makes her way around several classrooms, yelling and screaming at the kids.
At another portion of the more than two-minute video, you can see the mask-clad daycare worker lean over one of children who these horrible deemed to be “bad” and ask ‘are you being bad? Do I need to take you outside?’. The visibly upset child attempts to hide his face from his tormentor as he screams no. Despite his response, the woman screams directly into the young boy’s face before yelling ‘you better be good.’

The daycare worker then switches classrooms as kids in the first room continue to cry, telling the second group of children ‘y’all better be ready.’ We can see three toddlers attempting to hide behind a shelving unit.
The women enter yet another classroom where the three children within start screaming and crying. She approaches the children and then proceeds to chase one who is crying and running away.

After ordering the children to ‘clean up,’ she screams at the children, prompting their sobs to become audibly louder.
The woman who claimed to video the incident claimed that she did so in order to get proof of what her co-workers did to the children, which she sent to the children’s parents.

There is another video that show one of the toddlers crying for her mother as the group of workers continue terrorizing the very young children.
The Monroe County Sheriff’s Department published a Facebook announcement:

Will these evil employees be charged? Will they face the consequences for their actions? How will the parents handle their traumatized children?
Fire the teachers and Administration and charge them with Child Abuse!!