The Great Reset And The War For The World
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In The Great Reset And the War for the World, the Most Controversial Man on Earth, Alex Jones, Gives a Full Analysis of What The Great Reset is, Who’s Pushing it and How to Deal with It

Do you know that there are global elites trying to transition the world into a New World Order? You’d be forgiven if you thought this was all just a conspiracy theory from the 80s and 90s. What you wouldn’t be forgiven for is the fact that those global elites now call it The Great Reset or The Fourth Industrial Revolution and used terms like “Build Back Better” to cover it up and then ignoring that. This is all one hundred percent verifiable fact, and Alex Jones proves it to you in The Great Reset and the War for the World.

If the proof is in the pudding, as the old saying goes, then not only does Alex and his team serve you the pudding with the proof inside, but he also does all the work of scooping out the proof and feeding it directly to you. This book is concise and well cited with all references and direct quotes straight from the elites’ own words. This is THE definitive resource on everything there is to know about The Great Reset.

Alex Jones - The Great Reset And The War For The World

You can absolutely tell Alex wrote this book himself as it includes all the typical quips and banter that you know and either love or hate. I love that muself as it comes off as real Alex. Exactly what you pay for.

That being said, even those who have typically never liked Alex Jones have said just how good and informative this book is. So, before judging it, give it a read. You may learn something.

Many might also look at this book as just another scare tactic from yet another conspiracy theorist. I assure you, everything is pointed out in this book and everything can be fact checked and found to be true. I fact checked most of the information I didn’t already know existed and… I can’t find one thing off.

Keep in mind, if you ARE one of those who think Alex just wants to scare you into giving him money, take this quote directly from his book as something of a positive outlook from Alex.

There’s an eternal tension in the human soul between the desire for freedom and the desire to be told what to do by those in authority.

The human ability to work together in partnership is one of the great strengths of humanity, as is the ability to dissent from the accepted wisdom of the day. Many pollsters have noted the trend that, no matter the question, there’s roughly a quarter of the population that will have an opposing view. Some have taken to calling it the idiot 25 percent of the population, and yet I see it as an evolutionary advantage, giving humanity unprecedented flexibility.

– Alex Jones, The Great Reset and the War for the World, Chapter 1, Page 9

So, do I suggest this book? Absolutely. It will go down as one of the most important books ever written.

Do you need to read it? Absolutely. This is especially important if you know something more is going on in the world that you can’t quite put your finger on. If you know that the COVID lockdowns and the selling out of our nation to China were all for something bigger but need help figuring out what that something is, well get this book. It explains it to you step by step.

Overall, this book is an extremely easy read, but the information will require you to concentrate and take notes for later. This isn’t so much Alex’s fault, but just the fact that the elite’s have literally said and done so much. That being said, Alex does a great job of only picking out the most important details that you need.

You can purchase the book signed by Alex Jones or unsigned from or from Amazon with our link in this review. Alex has said many times that he doesn’t mind the purchase on Amazon as it keeps it in the top listings and continues the attention on the book.

Book Review: The Great Reset and the War for the World
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