Billerica Public School kindergarten teacher, Brenna Woods, was caught on video bragging about teaching 5-year-old children about white privilege while mocking the parents who disapprove of her racism.
Brenna Woods bragged on a recent zoom meeting about teaching her kindergarten and first-grade students about ‘white privilege’ while disparaging the parents who disapproved of her actions.
Woods told other teachers about teaching the young children remotely where parents could hear the conversations, gleefully mocking the parents’ concerns about the racist material.
“I did a lesson on white privilege, essentially. I talked about how some people are treated differently based on their race and what they look like,” Woods continued. She then claimed that some parents praised the “powerful conversation” while others voiced their disapproval.
“I received some emails that were like ‘how dare you treat my white child differently?’ I’m like ‘was that hard for you?’” Woods continued while her fellow teachers nodded in agreement.
The parent who praised her was the good parent, and the parent who had a problem with it was unreasonable and had to be taught a lesson about diversity, equity, and inclusion because they’re just not as smart as Brenna Woods. They didn’t go to college and major in gender studies, and they don’t watch Joy Reid every night so Brenna feels bad about how stupid and uneducated they are.
“We need talking points, we need ways to support them, we need to know that we are going to get support from our administration when we have these challenging conversations, and we as teachers need to not feel the weight of teaching these extremely large concepts and feel like we don’t have the ability to do so because we don’t know where we can be silenced.”

You would think that this sort of behavior would be addressed by the administration, but seeing how radicalized the principal is, it’s unlikely any sort of repercussions will be handed down. Prinicpal Victoria Hatem has some concerning posts that show why the rabid left should not be left in charge of children.
Last July, Billerica Public Schools staff were required to undergo “racial diversity, equity, and inclusion professional development”, according to WickedLocal. A group of parents later sent a letter questioning the need for such training, which staff and administrators also dismissed.

Billerica Public Schools teacher Chris Dearbeck told the publication that “white educators” such as himself could use the extra guidance. “There’s a lot of education that needs to happen,” Dearbeck said. “Many of us don’t feel comfortable, and this is a step in the right direction.”
The district paid NYU equity consultants $4,500 to conduct equity workshops in last year. In addition, Billerica Public Schools will pay Collaborative Educational Services (CES) $44,200 for equity consulting over a two-year contract.
This “teacher” is just another example of the radical ideology not just seeping into the public school system but taking over with no repercussions. These indoctrination stations are pushing these racist ideologies into children from the getgo and not letting them just enjoy childhood. They are robbing our youngest of the easy years where they simply get to play and learn the basics.
Liberals can’t stand the fact that children are truly the innocent out of all of us. They don’t recognize differences in people’s skin colors until it’s taught to them and these teachers want to teach it to them before they can even spell their names.
One way parents can combat this is by pulling their children out of the public school system and opting for homeschooling or private schools. As parents, we must continue standing up to these rabid liberals and let them know “Not my kid!”
The days of sitting back and allowing the schools to do whatever they want are long over. We must take more active roles in our children’s education or the insanity that we see around us will never end. Speak at school board meetings. Call superindenents. Don’t let the small things, or in this case, racist big things, slide. They need to know that we are not okay with this being taught to any student of any age.