The Marine Rapper Freedom Convoy
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The Marine Rapper Has Continued Showing His Support for Anything Freedom-based and His Latest “Freedom Convoy” Track Drops Bars for the Freedom Truckers

We’ve been getting a lot of good music lately from the independent artists out of the rap, country and country-rap genres. The Marine Rapper has been one of those artists with releases like “Freedom” and “Star Spangled Banger.”

Being a former Marine myself, I may be a little biased, but I really feel the words The Marine Rapper speaks. There are probably many lines in his songs that many don’t understand due to them being worded in ways only military understand, but in general, most get that the guy is always pushing freedom. True freedom. Freedom of choice. Freedom of having body autonomy. Real, true freedom.

This latest track will really ring with those who know what’s going on with the truckers in Canada right now. This convoy of truckers from both Canada and the US (as well as their supporters) has become the biggest story outside of Ukraine because they will not let governments tell them what they have to have in their body in order to do their jobs.

Listen now to the lyric video for “Freedom Convoy.”

Keep rapping about the authoritarianism going on in our country and world. It continues to remind people that they aren’t alone in this fight. Semper Fidelis.

What are your thoughts on the trucker convoy? What about the track by The Marine Rapper? Let us know below.

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