David Draiman Spotify Neil Young
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Disturbed’s David Draiman Commended the Music and Podcast Streaming Company For the Neil Young Catalog Removal as He Says Preserving Free Speech is Paramount

If you followed Disturbed through the 90’s and 00’s, you’d know David Draiman, their front man, has always called out authority and hasn’t been a big fan of it. His voice has especially been recognized over the last 5 to 10 years as he’s expanded his range of music to include covers reimagined with his powerful voice. These covers include tracks such as “The Sound of Silence” (Simon & Garfunkel cover) and “Land of Confusion” (Genesis cover).

Now, after the Joe Rogan and Neil Young situation, Draiman has gone to Twitter to praise the decision by Spotify to remove Neil Young’s catalog of tracks.

I give a 10 out of 10 for this Tweet. He’s 100% spot on. just hope he realizes that if Neil Young made Spotify more money than Joe Rogan, they would have most likely listened to his demands and removed Joe Rogan instead.

He continued on Twitter with some clarification.

I think I understand where Draiman is coming from on this, but I don’t believe Eric Clapton has blackmailed anyone or any company. It’s also very hard to say that Eric Clapton is “on the other side.” This isn’t a right versus left issue between him and Neil Young. It’s simply an authoritarian and conformist versus a non-conformist. Eric Clapton has always been this way.

I, too, believe music and all other forms of entertainment should not sow division. However, when one “side” is saying “CONFORM” and the other is “BE FREE,” well then… there’s obviously going to have to be a choice made. The division is coming from the authoritarians.

What are your thoughts? Have you listened to Disturbed? Have you stopped listening to Neil Young? Let us know below or start up a conversation in the forums.

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