Carhartt, a clothing brand that was known for producing clothing for blue-collar workers, is facing calls for a boycott after the company decided to continue with vaccine mandates.
Carhartt CEO Mark Valade sent a company-wide email letting all employees know that the Supreme Court ruling against the installed Biden administration’s vaccine mandate would not change the company’s policy.
“The ruling does not change Carhartt’s mandatory vaccination program, which went into effect on January 4th,” the email read.
“We put workplace safety at the very top of our priority list and the Supreme Court’s recent ruling doesn’t impact that core value,” the email continued. “We, and the medical community, continue to believe vaccines are necessary to ensure a safe working environment for every associate and even perhaps their households.”

Those same blue-collar workers who once work Carhartt apparel and other conservatives are calling for a boycott of the company.
Independent artist and ACal clothing owner Adam Calhoun took to YouTube to show his displeasure for the unconstitutional mandate the company is continuing with.
After the internal memo went viral, “#BoycottCarhartt” trended on social media with tens of thousands of posts.
Covid is not the first contagious disease that has existed. One that has been a yearly burden is the flu. In the 2017-2018 flu season it’s estimated 29,000,000 were infected and 52,000 people died. Did Carhartt mandate the flu vaccine?

It’s not up to private companies, the government, or even the CDC to dictate what you have injected into your body. That is a decision that you and your physician make. Not your boss.
Even with the backlash, a spokesperson for the company came out reinforcing what the CEO said.
“Carhartt made the decision to implement its own vaccine mandate as part of our long-standing commitment to workplace safety,” a Carhartt spokesperson told Fox News in a statement. “Our recent communication to employees was to reinforce that the Supreme Court ruling does not affect the mandate we put in place. Carhartt fully understands and respects the varying opinions on this topic, and we are aware some of our associates do not support this policy. However, we stand behind our decision because we believe vaccines are necessary to protect our workforce.”