Hi-Rez &Amp; Jimmy Levy Release &Quot;Welcome To The Revolution;&Quot; Already Number 6 On Itunes Top Songs Chart 1
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Jimmy Levy and Hi-Rez Have Hit More of the Authoritarians’ Nerves with Yet Another Hot Release Questioning Control, Mandates and More with “Welcome to the Revolution”

Hi-Rez is back with Jimmy Levy and they release another song about freedom. This song comes after “This is a War” reached amazing heights and now “Welcome to the Revolution” points out exactly what needs to be pointed out: a revolution has started for body autonomy, freedom of choice and respecting each others’ choices.

“Welcome to the Revolution,” which released today with a video, is already in the top 6 on the iTunes top songs list of ALL songs. It has also reached the 4th spot on the iTunes top Pop songs in America.

Listen and watch for yourself so you can be the judge.

Welcome To The Revolution

Thoughts and opinions? I happen to be more into the Adam Calhoun‘s, Burden’s and Upchurch’s of the world, but I am enjoying the messaging coming from both Jimmy Levy and Hi-Rez. Truth speaks to me as it should to you, so whatever audio waves, beats and tones you place in and around the truth comes second for me anymore. Keep telling it like it is, guys.

Thanks for reading.

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