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Tom MacDonald released his newest his on November 12, Balloons and it’s already #1 on the iTunes top 100 charts.

Tom MacDonald is another independent artist that we love over here at Offensively Patriotic. MacDonald is a Canadian-born rapper who has no filter when it comes to his opinions on things going on in America.

He has grown his social media audience extraordinarily with his girlfriend Nova Rockafeller. He has spoken out about YouTube censoring content many times while a lot of his songs touch on the major issues that seem to have divided America.

MacDonald seems to be fearless in offering his own views on what’s happening without the fear of being canceled.

His newest release though, it’s not quite like the others he’s released. It’s an emotional and passionate song.

Tom Macdonald

I miss the days when no one even knew my name
Now everywhere I go I wear a hat to hide my face
I got weapons hidden inside every room in my place
Now I have to keep a pistol on me always just in case
This is a nightmare, never expected the fame
To be something I would wrestle with and fight to embrace

This is definitely a song that steers from the normal political banter that we’re used to. It’s refreshing and impassioned.

Be sure to check out more of his music like Snowflakes.

You can check out his merch and updates at The Hangover Gang.

It seems that independent artists are taking over as more and more people realize that they are tired of the propaganda that is being pushed out by the left. Jimmy Levy and Hi-Rez Have Hit More of the Authoritarians’ Nerves with Yet Another Hot Release Questioning Control, Mandates and More with “Welcome to the Revolution“.

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