Insurrection 2
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On Thursday violent protesters attempted an insurrection in Washington. Mainstream media has been radio silent on the situation.

Unlike January 6 protests these folks were violent. The insurrectionists did their best to gain illegal entry to the Department of the Interior while fighting with Capitol police.

The J6 protesters took to the streets for freedom and election integrity while these activists fought about fossil fuels demanding that the Biden admin end their use by winter 2021. That’s in a month.

As reported at The Gateway Pundit, “One actress cried and screamed that her children “died in a coal mine” as she was arrested across town in front of the White House.”

Insurrection In Washington

530 people have been arrested for civil disobedience since the beginning of the demonstrations, according to a People Vs. Fossil Fuels press release.

Long-time political activist ‘Hanoi’ Jane Fonda was arrested on the steps of Capitol Hill in Washington, DC.

“Inspired by Greta and the youth climate strikes as well as Reverend Barber’s Moral Mondays and Randall Robinson’s often daily anti-apartheid protests, I’ve moved to Washington, DC to be closer to the epicenter of the fight for our climate,” she wrote on “Every Friday through January, I will be leading weekly demonstrations on Capitol Hill to demand that action by our political leaders be taken to address the climate emergency we are in. We can’t afford to wait.”

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