Aaron Lewis Usa Am I The Only One
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“Am I the Only One” Has Topped the Charts and Has Had Live Performance Videos but Now Receives an Official Music Video

I’ll admit it. I have a fond attachment to Aaron Lewis’s music. As a kid, I grew up with his band Staind blasting through my stereo’s speakers. His music was some of the first I learned on the guitar. Songs like “Outside” and “It’s Been Awhile” were just a few I learned.

Move onto today, and it’s great to have a childhood and teenage years person I followed, not bend over to woke politics like so many others have.

“Am I the Only One” has been reaching for the stars among music and freedom lovers. It’s even been triggering the left and those who hate this country, so much so that Aaron Lewis’s own label had to come out and defend him and his song.

Watch the official music video now, and feel the love of country and liberty.

Like the song? If you’ve heard it before, what do you think about the video itself? Let us know in the comments below and don’t forget to keep it here for the latest stories.

Aaron Lewis Usa Am I The Only One
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