Wu Student Senator, Fadel Alkilani, Caught Removing American Flags 1
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Fadel Alkilani, a student senator at Washington University in St. Louis was caught red-handed removing American flags from a 9/11 memorial and stuffing them in trash bags on Sept. 11.

The student senator is the vice president of finance for the student union.

H Nathaniel Hope, a member of the WU College Republicans who filmed the video, caught the young man on camera, stated that Alkilani showed no remorse for his actions as he desecrated the 9/11 memorial.


Fadel Alkilani allegedly said, “I did not violate any university or legal policy. Now go away.”

The memorial is part of the YAF’s 9/11: Never Forget Project. They placed 2,977 American flags on Mudd Field to represent each of the 9/11 victims who lost their lives that fateful day 20 years ago.

Fadel Alkilani

He took to Twitter and Instagram in a pathetic attempt to rationalize his anti-American actions.

“Republicans attacking me in the replies,” Fadel Alkilani, a student senator at Washington University in St. Louis was caught red-handed removing American flags from a 9/11 memorial and stuffing them in trash bags on Sept. 11. wrote on his Instagram page before deleting it.

He called his actions a “flag relocation incident” and that he had no intention of removing the flags from Mudd Field despite being caught red-handed shoving the flags in trash bags. Hope, the student who did the filming, found some of the flags in trash cans.

So Alkilani’s relocation was to the trash cans?

Students said Alkilani also tried to destroy the memorial on Friday night but was instructed to stop by campus police, according to Fox News.

The Vice-Chancellor for Marketing and Communications Julie Flory sent a statement to Student Life on Saturday night, “We were disappointed to learn about the disruption to the 9/11 display on Mudd Field,” the statement read. “We condemn the interference with the expression of support by the College Republicans for the victims of the national tragedy that took place 20 years ago today.”

“At minimum, I believe he should be removed from both SU and his [resident advisor] position, as what does it say to be a top American institution, and have yourself represented by a student leader who has no respect for property, campus traditions or the remembrance of thousands of lost lives,” College Republicans president junior Nick Rodriguez wrote. “Today is about remembering the tragedy, 20 years ago to the day, not to make a political statement. Any reason he can conjure to remove the flags I find ludicrous.”

Wu Student Senator, Fadel Alkilani, Caught Removing American Flags 2

This is what happens when we allow teachers to remain in positions of authority to indoctrinate our children. The kids turn into these American hating pieces of shit. Don’t forget this shitastic teacher in California who removed her American flag and told her kids to pledge their allegiance to the pride flag.

Or this wretched piece of soy boy excrement who admitted on video to creating revolutionaries.

We need to continue to stand up to these people and let them know that we will never forget. We will never ignore when they do something so unAmerican. These people need to be held accountable. Will the university hold this student accountable for his actions? Will he face repercussions for defacing a memorial to the 2,977 people who died in one of the worst terror attacks on American soil?

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