California Teacher Removes American Flag, Tells Students To Pledge To Pride Flag 1
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Kristin Pitzen, a teacher at Newport Mesa School District in Orange County took to social media to brag about removing the American flag from her classroom because it “made her uncomfortable” and had students pledge to the pride flag.

UPDATE: August 31, 2021 1519

Kristin Pitzen has been removed from her classroom pending an investigation.

“We are aware that one of our teachers posted a video on their personal social media that caused alarm and concern related to saluting the American flag,” Annette Franco, a spokesperson for the school district, wrote in an email to Newsweek. “Showing respect for our nation’s flag is an important value that we instill in our students and an expectation of our employees. The teacher is no longer in the classroom. We follow due process and our investigation continues.”

Original: August 29, 2021 10:00 AM

The Newport Mesa School District is investigating after Pitzen posted a video admitting that she encouraged students to pledge allegiance to a gay pride flag after she removed the American flag from her class.

“Okay, so during third period, we have announcements and they do the pledge of allegiance,” the teacher said in a video posted to social media. “I always tell my class, stand if you feel like it, don’t stand if you feel like it, say the words if you want, you don’t have to say the words.”

“I always tell my class, ‘Stand if you feel like it, don’t stand if you feel like it, say the words if you want, you don’t have to say the words,'” the teacher said. “So, my class decided to stand but not say the words. Totally fine.”

“Except for the fact that my room does not have a flag,” she stated. “I packed it away and I don’t know where, and I haven’t found it yet,” she giggled.


The school district sent out a statement regarding the horrendous actions of this “educator”.

“We are aware of this incident and are investigating,” a public relations officer for the district, Annette Franco, told the outlet. “While we do not discuss employee-related matters, we can tell you that showing respect and honor for our nation’s flag is a value that we instill in our students and an expectation of our employees. We take matters like this seriously and will be taking action to address it.”

In the wake of the backlash for her anti-American and disgusting act Pitzen appears to have deleted her social media. These are the kind of people who are teaching our children. She’s not alone. There are so many more just like her who are using their powers of authority to corrupt and brainwash our children.

If you have the ability to pull your children from the public school system, pull them out. We need to stop the government and these psychos from “educating” our children. There are other options. Cyberschool. Pooling money to hire a teacher that doesn’t think like these nut jobs. We need to get our children thinking for themselves again. Remember, they admitted that they are coming for our children.

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