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If you missed part 1 or part 2 of this investigation into the Corruption in DC and Hollywood, make sure to read those as well.

Hollywood May Be Full of Pedophiles

Over the past few years, we’ve been seeing a lot come out about the pedophile rings that are circulating in Hollywood and Washington, D.C. Between “PizzaGate” and Jeff Epstein’s Little St James and his other houses it turns out there are a lot of people who seem to prefer children.

“The number one problem in Hollywood is, and has always been – pedophilia!” Corey Feldman correctly stated.

The most recent celebrity who went on a mass Twitter blocking and Tweet deleting spree is Chrissy Teigen. She has blocked over 1 million Twitter users and deleted roughly 60,000 Tweets over the past few weeks. The problem with trying to just delete your internet trail though is the fact that nothing is ever gone for good. Stealthy internet sleuths have managed to log quite a few of her pedo-like Tweets.


In 2019 actor Isaac Kappy happened to fall from a bridge into oncoming traffic. One of his last tweets.

Investigation: Corruption In Dc And Hollywood Part 3: Rumored Celebrity Pedophiles 1

In 2013 actor and director Crispin Glover said,

“Does Steven Spielberg focus much of his fantasy life on young people? Did he portray children wallowing in sewers filled with fecal matter in Schindler’s List? Did he use children to finger paint an adult in Hook? Does he collect the illustrations of Norman Rockwell, such as the one showing a young boy in his underwear examined by a doctor?

Was Steven Spielberg very friendly with Michael Jackson?

Do Michael Jackson and Steven Spielberg share similar opinions about the sexuality of young boys?”

Kevin Spacey has recently fallen from grace when the accusations about him came out this past year. Fellow actor Anthony Rapp accused Spacey of trying to “seduce” him when Rapp was 14 and Spacey a 26-year-old adult. He has also been accused of raping another 15-year-old boy.

A former House of Cards production assistant, says he was sexually assaulted by Spacey after being assigned to pick up the actor by car and bring him back to the set for filming. The assistant says while they were the car, Spacey put his hands down the assistant’s pants.

When he and Spacey got on set, he helped carry the actor’s things to his trailer where Spacey again sexually assaulted him by cornering him, blocking his exit, and making “inappropriate contact” with him.

Weinstein Opened up the Corruption Flood Gates of Hollywood

The first big shocker to rock Hollywood was when Harvey Weinstein was arrested for sexual abuse.

There have been over 90 accusers that have come forward saying that Weinstein sexual abused, molested or raped them over the past thirty years.

  1. Amber Anderson, actress
  2. Lysette Anthony, actress
  3. Asia Argento, actress, and director
  4. Rosanna Arquette, actress
  5. Jessica Barth, actress
  6. Kate Beckinsale, actress
  7. Zoe Brock, model
  8. Juls Bindi, massage therapist
  9. Cynthia Burr, actress
  10. Cate Blanchett, actress
  11. Liza Campbell, writer and artist
  12. Alexandra Canosa, producer
  13. Rowena Chiu, Weinstein employee
  14. Marisa Coughlan, actress and writer
  15. Emma de Caunes, actress
  16. Hope Exiner d’Amore, Weinstein employee
  17. Florence Darel, actress
  18. Cara Delevingne, actress and model
  19. Paz de la Huerta, actress
  20. Juliana De Paula, model
  21. Sophie Dix, actress
  22. Lacey Dorn, actress and filmmaker
  23. Kaitlin Doubleday, actress
  24. Caitlin Dulaney, actress 
  25. Dawn Dunning, actress
  26. Lina Esco, actress and director
  27. Alice Evans, actress
  28. Lucia Evans, formerly Lucia Stoller, actress
  29. Angie Everhart, model and actress
  30. Claire Forlani, actress
  31. Romola Garai, actress
  32. Louisette Geiss, screenwriter and actress
  33. Louise Godbold, nonprofit organization director
  34. Judith Godreche, actress
  35. Trish Goff, former model, actress, and real estate broker
  36. Larissa Gomes, actress
  37. Heather Graham, actress
  38. Eva Green, actress
  39. Ambra Gutierrez, formerly Ambra Battilana, model
  40. Mimi Haleyi, former production assistant
  41. Daryl Hannah, actress
  42. Salma Hayek, actress and producer
  43. Lena Headey, actress
  44. Anne Heche, actress
  45. Lauren Holly, actress
  46. Dominique Huett, actress
  47. Amy Israel, Miramax executive
  48. Angelina Joie, actress and director
  49. Ashley Judd, actress
  50. Minka Kelly, actress
  51. Katherine Kendall, actress
  52. Heather Kerr, actress
  53. Mia Kirshner, actress
  54. Myleene Klass, singer and model
  55. Emma Loman (alias), German actress
  56. Laura Madden, Weinstein employee
  57. Natassia Malthe, actress
  58. Jessica Mann, former aspiring actress
  59. Julianna Margulies, actress
  60. Brit Marling, actress
  61. Sarah Ann Masse, actress, comedian, and writer
  62. Ashley Matthau, actress
  63. Rose McGowan, actress
  64. Natalie Mendoze, actress
  65. Sophie Morris, administrative assistant
  66. Katya Mtsitouridze, TV hostess and head of Russian film body Roskino
  67. Emily Nestor, Weinstein employee
  68. Jennifer Siebel Newsom, documentary filmmaker and actress
  69. Connie Nielsen, actress
  70. Kadian Noble, actress
  71. Lupita Nyong’o, actress
  72. Lauren O’Connor, Weinstein employee
  73. Gwyneth Paltrow, actress
  74. Samantha Panagrosso, former model
  75. Zelda Perkins, Weinstein employee
  76. Vu Thu Phuong, actress and businesswoman
  77. Sarah Polley, actress, writer, and director
  78. Emanuela Postacchini, actress
  79. Monica Potter, actress[
  80. Tomi-Ann Roberts, professor of psychology and former aspiring actress
  81. Lisa Rose, Miramax employee
  82. Erika Rosenbaum, actress
  83. Melissa Sagemiller, actress
  84. Annabella Sciorra, actress
  85. Lea Seydoux, actress
  86. Lauren Sivan, journalist
  87. Chelsea Skidmore, actress and comedian
  88. Mira Sorvino, actress
  89. Kaja Sokola, model
  90. Tara Subkoff, actress
  91. Melissa Thompson
  92. Uma Thurman, actress
  93. Paula Wachowiak, Weinstein employee
  94. Paula Williams, actress
  95. Sean Young, actress

Patton Oswalt has admitted on Twitter to being a pedophile.
And there’s this gem.
Sean Gunn has posted these tweets regarding children.
Sarah Silverman has always been controversial. She’s done black face and tweeted.
Rainn Wilson, aka Dwight Schrute from the Office, also went on a Tweet deleting spree. Not before they were screen shotted though.
Investigation: Corruption In Dc And Hollywood Part 3: Rumored Celebrity Pedophiles 2

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