Blm Supporter Kneels On Child
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Some BLM Supporters Who Commented Have Been Terminated From Their Place of Business

UPDATE: Charges are now pending for Isaiah Jackson.

A photo has been circulating on social media depicting a a BLM supporter kneeling on the neck of a white baby. The caption, “BLM now mf” adorns this message.

Blm Now Mf

20-year-old Isaiah Jackson was identified as the perpetrator is this heinous act. As you can see he kneels on the crying child’s neck while a second individual holds his little arms behind his back.

The child, who has not been identified by authorities, was taken to a local hospital for examination, where he was found to have no injuries related to the incident. The child’s mother has stated she was unaware of the photo having been taken, or its contents, until she had been informed by other parties while the Sheriff’s Office was enroute to her home to begin the investigation into this incident. The investigation is ongoing.

However this conversation with the child’s mother has been circulating around social media.


An Atlanta-area high school special education teacher is under fire for commenting on the same photo encouraging the violence against the white child including his death.

Cedar Grove High School Interrelated Teacher Brian Papin commented beneath the photo, writing: “Again! Your doing it wrong! One knee on the center of the back one one the neck and lean into it until death! You saw the video! Get it right or stop f***ing around!” He has resigned from his position.


We are preached at by the Democrats, leftists, and every other liberal there is that BLM is peaceful and they simply want equality.

This is the furthest thing from the truth. The founders of BLM have come out and admitted they are trained Marxists. They have acquired billions of dollars over the past 7 years, and what have they actually done for the black community? Have they helped the black homeless population? Have they set up scholarships for poor black children? Have they given aid to poor black families?

No. They haven’t. They have done nothing for the black community and the country except create violence and hatred. They have caused so much more division than any other organization or person. They continue creating people like these two shining examples of peace and love.

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Updated: Blm Supporter Kneels On Child'S Neck 1
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