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This is part 1 of our deep investigation into the corruption in DC and Hollywood. This investigation looks into corruption that includes sex trafficking, money laundering, voter fraud and other illegal activities.

The Islands of Corruption

In April 1998, financier and American socialite Jeff Epstein obtained an island in the U.S. Virgin Islands called Little St. James for $7.95 million. In 2016, Epstein purchased neighboring island Great St James for $18 million. Decades later Little St James island would be the center of a massive sex trafficking ring involving many of the world’s elites and would see Jeff Epstein arrested and “suicided” in August 2019.

13.5 KM or 8.39 miles away from Little St. James is another small island known as Water Island. From 1944 to 1950, the island was under the operation of the Department of Defense. Construction on Fort Segarra commenced in 1944 but the fort was abandoned incomplete in 1948.

The Islands Of Corruption

Fast forward to 2005 and three parcels of land on this particular island are bought by James Biden for $150,000. Brother to presidential candidate Joe Biden. It is known that Joe Biden vacationed on the island at least three separate times.

Us Virgin Island Deeds
Us Virgin Island Deeds HERE

The following year in 2006 James Biden sections off his land into three parcels, selling one of these to Scott H Green for $150,000. Scott H Green was a former staff director for Joe Biden when he was a senator from 1985-1990.

The fort that was under construction on Water Island was to help protect a submarine base on St. Thomas, Virgin Islands. Little St. James is right off the coast of St Thomas island.

Why the interest in where the Bidens buy property?

Do you remember all of theses?

Joe Biden Touching
More Joe Biden Touching
Even More Joe Biden Touching

The media and everyone else laughed it off as creepy Uncle Joe just doing what creepy Uncle Joe does. What if he did more than just sniff a bunch of kids?

Remember that Water Island was the site of Fort Segarra, an underground fort and submarine base? Little St James is rumored to also have a submarine base.

Where Ghislaine Maxwell Fits In

Ghislaine Maxwell, Jeff Epstein’s assistant/girlfriend, has a submarine pilot’s license. She also dated Gateway computers founder Ted Waitt. She has a submarine license, and piloted the submarine aboard his Plan B yacht. Waitt donated $10 million to the Clinton Foundation. His connections helped Maxwell launch TerraMar.

In 2007 Epstein also paid for Ghislaine Maxwell to obtain her helicopter pilot license. In 2008 he bought her a $4 million dollar Sikorsky S-76C which he named Air Ghislaine 2.

With Water Island being a former Fort and submarine base and the rumors that Little St James has a submarine base, not to mention Maxwell had licenses to operate a submarine and a helicopter, is it that far fetched to think that Joe Biden couldn’t make the 8.39 mile trip to visit his pal Jeff Epstein?

Joe Biden is no stranger to sex assault accusations. A former aide of his from the 90’s, Tara Reade, has come out with accusations that Joe Biden sexually assaulted her. Seeing the photos of his inappropriately touching young girls and women and the close proximity of his brothers island to Little St James, the evidence is piling up for Creepy Uncle Joe.

This is also a man running for president of the United States. A man who has made defamatory remarks about President Trump and his sexual past.

A few other notable elites who have taken trips on the Lolita Express, Epstein’s plane, to Little St James

Bill Clinton – 26 times

Prince Andrew, Duke of York

Alan Dershowitz

William Barr, United States Attorney General

Kenneth Starr

Woody Allen

Lawrence Krauss

George Mitchell

Bill Richardson

Glenn Dubin

Jean-Luc Brunel

Thomas Pritzker

Stephen Hawking

Leslie Wexner

Mort Zuckerman

Larry Summers

Steven Pinker

Roger Schank

Harvey Weinstein

Kevin Spacey

See the flight logs here .

Stay tuned for more! Much more.

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Investigation: Corruption In Dc And Hollywood Part 1 1
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