When Even California Doesn'T Like You
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California Wants to What?

How awful of a person do you have to be to have California against you? Even when you try to have President Donald J. Trump sued, California still doesn’t like you.

The most liberal of liberal states wants to revoke your law license, how bad of a person are you?

Who am I talking about? Michael Avenatti.

He’s such an awful and terrible person that the California state bar has made a statement that they are moving forward to suspend his law license because he “poses a substantial threat of harm to clients or the public.”

When Even California Doesn't Like You

All I have to say is wow. I never thought I’d see the day when California was anti anyone but Trump. I guess he’s bad guy number two for today.

“The State Bar of California has filed a petition to enroll this licensee on interim inactive status, alleging that the licensee’s conduct poses a substantial threat of harm to clients or the public,” the State Bar said on its website, noting Avenatti is presumed innocent but that it expects to ultimately disbar him entirely from the practice of law. “The petition involves a charge that the licensee engaged in a major misappropriation of client funds.”

Who Is Michael Avenatti?

Oh, you don’t know who Michael Avenatti is? Well, he’s the king douche who represented Stormy Daniels. You know, the porn star who thought she could get one over on Trump but instead is paying him because she broke the non-disclosure agreement she signed decades ago? Yeah, her lawyer. The scum. The one who for about two hours thought he’d make an awesome president.

He’s the asshole who stole millions of dollars from his clients. He attempted to extort Nike. Yes…the shithole company that plastered Colin Kaepernick’s face everywhere for being such a stand-up American citizen. He filed bogus tax returns.

Yes, this is the man that even California doesn’t like.

Tell us how much you don’t like him in the forums or comments below.

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