Veterans Vs Illegal Immigrants
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“The willingness with which our young people are likely to serve in any war, no matter how justified, shall be directly proportional to how they perceive the Veterans of earlier wars were treated and appreciated by their nation.”

— George Washington, 1st President of the United States
Those Who Gave So Much

We are a country that has fought through the blood, sweat, and tears of brave men and women. Men who took up their muskets and pitchforks to fight the mightiest military on Earth. And won. Even after we won our independence and continued to grow as a country, we relied on the warriors who stepped forward (or were drafted) to keep our country free. Since the inception of our country we have lost 1.1 million military members and veterans.

Unfortunately, as the years have gone on, well… we see how our veterans and military members are treated.

The Stats Say What?

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development estimates that there are 40,056 homeless veterans who are sleeping on the streets every night.

You read that right. 40,056. According to the U.S. Government Accountability Office, 2.1 million veterans received mental health treatment from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs in the five year period from 2006 through 2010. A study by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration revealed that only 50% of returning vets who need veteran mental health treatment will receive these services.

Where’s the Support?

What’s especially heartbreaking and infuriating to so many of us is the fact that members of the DNC are more concerned with illegal immigrants rather than our veterans. Again I say: where’s the support?

Free healthcare, medicaid and medicare for illegal immigrants while our veterans are stuck with the VA system that turn them away. They get a quick foot to the butt upon discharge. There’s even short staffing at the VA with ridiculously long wait times. There also isn’t a VA hospital in every city, no choice to go elsewhere and a back log of claims.

The brainchild, AOC, in New York thinks having the government full funding and staffing the VA is the solution to the problem. Yes, we see how well the government has been handling the VA thus far.

Privatizing the VA could save it. Look how every other hospital in the country is doing. They’re not government ran and they succeed. Anything that doesn’t have the death grip of government in it tends to succeed. Why? The government over-regulates everything and all of the politicians have their grimy hands in the cash pail.

But We’re Helping the Veterans’ Kids, Right?

Let’s not forget about the veterans families. I’m the wife of a veteran. We have children. We are affected by everything that happens to our loved ones. When they die in war. When they decide to come home for good. We go through all the hardships. We are the ones who are there supporting and aiding our loved ones through their hardest times. What is a major slap in the face? What Albany, New York decided to do. They’ve set aside $27 million for illegal immigrants to go to college and that’s for completely free.

The Democrat ran state has set aside this money in tuition assistance for children of undocumented immigrants according to the new state budget. Yet, they wouldn’t add hundreds of thousands to expand a similar program for kids of deceased and disabled veterans. Why is that?

There was a bill presented that passed twice through the state Senate; however, it never made it through the Assembly. This would have added funding to a program that provides free tuition and even room and board at any SUNY or CUNY college. This would have included not only those children but also spouses and financial dependents of fallen soldiers or those who became severely disabled after 1990.

While the psychotic liberals may say that is WAY too much for some children of a dead soldier; is it too much? Do you know what they lost in order to get something as simple as aid for college? They lost their parent. Their husband. Their wife. They lost part of their family. Yet the assembly wouldn’t pass a bill to help the families. But holy hell, wow… $27 million to the illegals! Who gave what, exactly, to help this country? Oh, right. They gave us measles and a whole lot of murder.

How Many Died?
War Time U.s. Military And Veterans Deaths
Take a Stance and Don’t Stay Quiet!

So as some sit there and ignore the problem we have with homeless veterans and suffering families, we won’t. As I see friends and loved ones suffer through hard times whether financially or even psychologically, we plan on how to help them overcome. You see, we will not put an illegal immigrant over those who have fought for our country. They are the ones who deserve the extra help. Their families deserve our support and aid.

They’ve given everything. Even those who are still alive have given more than all of us civilians could ever dream of giving.

So, we will not sit idly by as another veteran comes home and can’t adjust to civilian life. We will not sit idly by as another veteran remains homeless.

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