48 Bills Killed by Speaker Dade Phelan and House Leadership Undermining Conservative Priorities and Disappointing Constituents
In a disappointing turn of events, the Texas House Republican members, who have been touting this session as one of the most conservative in the state’s history, are facing the harsh reality that their constituents are becoming more informed and the scorecard cannot be altered. Despite some limited wins for grassroots conservatives, the session ultimately fell short in protecting the innocence of children and safeguarding the integrity of elections.
The failures of Speaker Dade Phelan and his loyal lieutenants, who held leadership positions, are becoming increasingly apparent. A comprehensive list of the 48 bills killed provides a roadmap to understanding the true disappointments of this session. From cultural issues to education, healthcare, immigration, and election integrity, the conservative agenda was consistently undermined.
A Breakdown of the 48 Bills Killed
The cultural and sexual revolution saw several crucial bills killed by committee decisions and the deliberate manipulation of the legislative process. For instance, HB 888, introduced by Shelby Slawson, aimed to extend the time frame for detransitioners to file lawsuits against their abusers, addressing a critical issue that has been neglected in Texas. Similarly, HB 3502, proposed by Jeff Leach, sought to rectify the unjust policies of health insurance companies that cover gender transition procedures but refuse to pay for restorative healthcare when individuals regret their decisions.
Despite the Senate’s support, bills such as SB 1029 by Bob Hall, which provided protections for detransitioners, and SB 162 by Charles Perry, which aimed to protect the accuracy of birth certificates, were never even granted a hearing in the Texas House. The failure to pass these bills demonstrates a lack of commitment to protecting the well-being of Texans and upholding conservative values.

Additionally of the 48 bills killed, efforts to defund drag queen story hour events and ensure parental rights were consistently thwarted. SB 1601 by Bryan Hughes, which aimed to cut state funding for libraries hosting such events, and SJR 70 by Bryan Hughes, which sought to establish additional parental rights protections, were both killed in committee.
In the realm of education, bills promoting school choice, banning classroom grooming, displaying the Ten Commandments, and combating critical race theory at universities all faced opposition. Despite aligning with Governor Greg Abbott’s priorities, bills like SB 8 by Creighton, SB 1515 by Phil King, SB 16 by Bryan Hughes, and SB 1072 by Bryan Hughes were never able to overcome the power of teacher unions and Democrats within the Public Education and Higher Education Committees.
The issue of immigration, a topic of utmost importance to Texans, was met with disappointing setbacks. Bills that aimed to create a border protection unit, address the issue of illegal in-state tuition, and criminalize illegal border crossings were all killed in committee or by procedural maneuvers. These failures undermine efforts to secure the border and protect the rights and interests of Texans.
Election integrity, a paramount concern for conservatives, also suffered setbacks during this session. Bills that sought to eliminate countywide polling, require the printing of early voting tapes, ban ranked-choice voting, and prevent voting machine acquisitions from countries like China and Iran were all left unheard or were purposely delayed until the legislative clock ran out.
The disappointment continued in the area of healthcare, where bills advocating for vaccine choice, DNA ownership, reporting vaccine injuries, protecting blood donation rights, reforming medical boards, and ensuring transparency were never given proper consideration. The actions of committees, such as the Public Health Committee led by Stephanie Klick, demonstrated a lack of willingness to address these critical healthcare issues.
As the session comes to a close, conservatives in Texas are left disheartened by the lack of progress on their key priorities. Speaker Dade Phelan and House Leadership, who were entrusted with advancing the conservative agenda, failed to deliver on their promises and fulfill the expectations of their constituents.
The failures of this session highlight a lack of commitment to conservative principles and a disregard for the concerns of grassroots activists. Rather than championing the values of limited government, personal freedom, and traditional family values, House Leadership allowed important bills to be killed in committees or purposely delayed until time ran out.
The defeat of crucial cultural and sexual revolution bills, which aimed to protect detransitioners, rectify health insurance policies, and safeguard parental rights, is deeply troubling. It sends a message that the voices and well-being of Texans grappling with these issues are not a priority for the House Leadership.
Education, a cornerstone of conservative values, also suffered setbacks. Bills promoting school choice, combating critical race theory, and displaying the Ten Commandments faced opposition and were unable to overcome the influence of teacher unions and Democratic lawmakers within the education committees.
In matters of immigration, an issue of great significance to Texans, the failure to pass bills that would create a border protection unit, address illegal in-state tuition, and criminalize illegal border crossings is a significant blow to conservative efforts to secure the border and protect the interests of the state’s residents.
Furthermore, the lack of progress on election integrity raises concerns about the transparency and fairness of the electoral process. Bills that aimed to address issues such as countywide polling, ranked-choice voting, and the acquisition of voting machines from questionable sources were left unheard or deliberately delayed, undermining efforts to ensure the integrity of elections in Texas.
The healthcare arena also experienced disappointments, with bills advocating for vaccine choice, DNA ownership, and medical board reform not receiving the attention they deserved. This inaction demonstrates a lack of responsiveness to the concerns of individuals seeking transparency and protection of their healthcare rights.
Conclusion on 48 Bills Killed and Future Outlook
In light of these setbacks and 48 bills killed, conservative Texans must reflect on the effectiveness of their elected representatives and demand greater accountability from House Leadership. Grassroots activism and continued engagement will be crucial in holding elected officials accountable and ensuring that conservative priorities are given the attention they deserve in future legislative sessions.
Only through a united and determined effort can conservatives hope to advance their agenda and enact meaningful change that aligns with their values. The disappointments of this session should serve as a rallying cry for renewed activism and a commitment to electing representatives who are unwavering in their dedication to conservative principles.
But cornrows are protected! Because ethnic hairstyles are the priority.