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As if Citizens and Police Officers in New York Needed Another Reason to be Alarmed, In Come the Videos of the “Revamped” NYPD Job Standard Test That Looks Easier Than High School Gym Class

Yep. This is real. This is not a joke. The NYPD’s Job Standard Test is actually THIS simple.

In the video, you can see a female officer taking the new and “improved” Job Standard Test. Through each “obstacle,” the officer is seen fast walking or MAYBE light jogging from test to test.

There’s a simple six foot barrier surmount, which she barely makes it over, and then an EXTREMELY basic “stair climb” among others. Probably the most hilarious “obstacle” is the “trigger pull” test. Whatever the hell that’s supposed to test. Is it about testing the strength of your finger??? Add to this the fact that the officer in training is obviously confused on what to do on such a simple routine.

The entire course is laughable when comparing it to the courses in the military. I’m not even comparing it to the Marine Corps obstacle and confidence courses. This makes any Air Force obstacle course look like training to fight Drago in Rocky 4. The only thing unknown is if this is simply the woman’s test and the men have a different course. This is, after all, how the military works.

Check out the NYPD video in the tweet.

What do you think? At this point, should we even argue against defunding the police if this is how they are being trained? Criminals seeing this must be drooling over the ease at which they can loot, riot and kill in the future.

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