Who'S Really Running Corporate Media? 1
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For a while now we’ve known that corporate media is connected in one way or another. But do you know just how connected they are? Let’s take a look while we investigate the shareholders.

We like to sit back and think that all of our media are separate entities who do true journalism to bring the truth to the people. Of course, we’ve seen as the years have gone by and the corruption has taken hold that true journalism within corporate media simply does not exist anymore.

That got us here at Offensively Patriotic thinking so we decided to start looking into who owned and ran all of these companies and boy were we shocked.

Majority share holder for all of the major media companies are the same companies, which are ran by the same people. So when it comes it the news that is pushed out to the people, are we surprised at the bias that we see and the fact they all spew the exact same thing?

How are they all tied together?

Let’s break that down.

ABC (American Broadcasting Company) Is owned by Walt Disney Television, a division of the Walt Disney Company.

Who has a majority share in Disney?

Corporate Media
Who'S Really Running Corporate Media? 2

NBC, MSNBC, CNBC, and Universal Pictures is owned by Comcast.

Who are the majority shareholders in Comcast?

Who'S Really Running Corporate Media? 3
Who'S Really Running Corporate Media? 4

Huh….isn’t that interesting?

Let’s continue shall we?

CNN is currently owned by WarnerMedia and therefore AT&T.

Who are the primary shareholders of AT&T?

Who'S Really Running Corporate Media? 5
Who'S Really Running Corporate Media? 6

Let’s look at Fox News.

The Fox News Channel, commonly known as Fox News is owned by Fox News Media, which itself is owned by the Fox Corporation.

And who are the primary shareholders of the Fox Corporation?

Who'S Really Running Corporate Media? 7
Who'S Really Running Corporate Media? 8

Wow….the primary shareholders for all of the major media companies seem to be the same companies. Vanguard Group, Blackrock, and State Street Corporation.

So who are involved in those companies?

Former BlackRock investment executive Brian Deese leads Biden’s National Economic Council, effectively serving as his top advisor on economic matters. Meanwhile Michael Pyle, BlackRock’s former global chief investment strategist who had worked in the Obama administration before joining the firm, serves as chief economic advisor to Vice President Kamala Harris. 

Who'S Really Running Corporate Media? 9

Well, look at that.

And who controls State Street Corporation?

State Street Corporation
Who'S Really Running Corporate Media? 10

So who is in control of Vanguard?

That’s the tricky thing.

Vanguard is the largest shareholder of BlackRock, as of March 2021. Vanguard itself, on the other hand, has a “unique” corporate structure that makes its ownership more difficult to discern. It’s owned by its various funds, which in turn are owned by the shareholders. Since they’re a private company, you can’t see who their biggest stake holders or investors are.

Hmmm, interesting.

So what do you think? Is there something shady going on when the same three companies are the biggest shareholders in all of the companies that own the biggest news outlets? Is it really a conspiracy theory when all roads lead back to the same 3 companies?

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1 year ago

Is it any possible that I could get a copy of the scripted media video linked here? Google seems to have deleted the channel so I assume it’s embedded on this page (?). I’d like to save a copy of this video. I wish that whomever did this compilation did not add the laughing. It’s very well done except for laughs; this is nothing to laugh about.

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