California Senate Passes Sb 1273 Ending Mandatory Reporting On Students Who Threaten Schools 1
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California senate passed SB 1273, just two days before Berkeley police were tipped off about a potential mass shooting and bombing, which would end mandatory reporting on students who threaten schools. Now the bill heads to the assembly and then on to the liberal governor.

The California State Senate voted Thursday to end a requirement that students who threaten violence against school officials be reported.

Sb 1273

Before California’s senate passed this rather ridiculous law, the current law stated that whenever a school official is “attacked, assaulted, or physically threatened by any pupil,” staff was “required to promptly report the incident to specified law enforcement authorities.” The new bill repealed this requirement.

This terrible idea came to be just days after the shooting at Robb Elementary School shooting in Texas and two days before police were tipped off in Berkeley about a potential mass shooting and bombing at a California high school.

The law was endorsed by ACLU California Action. The organization called it a win for racial equality.

“Once students make contact with law enforcement, they are less likely to graduate high school and more likely to wind up in jail or prison. These harms fall disproportionately on students from marginalized groups: Black, Indigenous, and Latinx students,” the organization said in a statement.

Racial equality? This bill could prove disastrous for schools.

The sponsor of the bill, California State Sen. Steven Bradford, told the Daily Caller, “Our existing system has led to alarming disparities in the type of students who are most likely to suffer these harms. Black students, Latinx students, students of color, and students with disabilities are disproportionately referred to law enforcement, cited, and arrested.”

“SB 1273 will reduce law enforcement involvement in schools and give teachers and administrators, who are often best suited to determine the appropriate response, the flexibility and power they need to support students,” Bradford said, explaining that, “Teachers and administrators will still be able to call law enforcement if they believe that is the right response to a particular incident, but they will not be required to do so.”

In a statement, State Senator Melissa Melendez, “I can’t believe that just two days after the heartbreaking events in Texas, the State Senate would pass a measure making our children less safe at school. … Requiring teachers to report threats of violence in the classroom may be the only warning law enforcement has to prevent a future violent attack.

“Threats of violence deserve the attention of law enforcement. …  Parents should feel safe sending their kids to school. Eliminating the mandatory reporting requirement, by passing SB 1273, makes our schools more susceptible to a repeat of what happened in Texas – and that is unacceptable.”

 State Senator Melissa Melendez

It makes you think, how desperate are Democrats for more school violence in order to push more of their agendas?

The bill moves to a vote in the State Assembly, and then to Gov. Gavin Newsom for signature.

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