Maxine Watersmaxine waters
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Representative Maxine Waters has paid her daughter another $24,000 in campaign funds this quarter according to the Federal Election Commission records.

Karen Waters and her company, Progressive Connections, have received more than $1.2 million since 2003 from her mother’s campaign for “slate mailer management” fees and “campaign managing services”.

The records that were reviewed by Fox News digital show that Maxine Waters paid her daughter in installments ranging from $3,000 to $8,000 between January and March 2022.

During fiscal year 2021, Waters’ campaign paid her daughter $81,650 in 12 installments for “slate mailer management” fees and “GOTV” — or “Get Out the Vote” services. 

In the last election cycle, Maxine Waters paid Karen around $240,000 for work under the same labels.

So what exactly is slate mailing? It is a rather uncommon practice for federal elections. According to Ballotpedia, a slate mailer is a publication created by a campaign or for-profit consulting service that is mailed to voters and that contains lists of candidates or ballot measures, along with recommendations and endorsements.

This is a practice that is most common in California and Oregon. Waters is the only federal politician who used a slate mailer operation during the 2020 general election.

She is hardly the only politician who has paid relatives using their campaign funds though. It’s not illegal for federal politicians to employ their families on campaigns, it’s very frowned upon. Another representative who has been called out for the shady dealings with campaign funds is Ilhan Omar who has paid her husband’s consulting firm, the E Street Group, nearly $3 million.

Omar terminated the contract with her husband in November 2020 when they came under question regarding the arrangement. The E Street Group made nearly 80% of all it’s cash from federal committees. Once they terminated the contract, they began consulting with the wine industry.

In 2020, the nonprofit data tracking organization OpenSecrets found Waters paid her daughter more than $114,000 for her campaign services, 56% more than then-Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa), who paid the next-highest amount ($73,212) to his son and daughter-in-law. 

Waters defended the payments to her daughter in 2004, saying her politics and her family’s business were separate. 

“They do their business and I do mine,” Waters said at the time, according to the Washington Post. “We are not bad people.”

Corruption runs deep within the deep state. Waters is running for her 17th term in the House of Representatives. Why do the people who continue to destroy this country win elections?

It’s time that they are voted out and term limits are put in place for all of congress.

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