Inappropriate Homeworkinappropriate homework
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Victorian MP Bernie Finn brought up the issue of a 10-year-old girl’s homework assignment about her father’s erections and ejaculations publicly to the Minister for Education, Labor MP James Merlino.

We’re at a delicate time in human history where elitists are trying their hardest to normalize the grooming of our children. The depravity of society knows no bounds. A disturbing video has emerged from Victoria, Australia that describes a homework assignment sent home with a 10-year-old little girl. Victorian MP Bernie Finn publicly addressed the minister for education, Labor MP James Merlino, about an email that he’d received from the little girl’s mother. The homework assignment asked for her to talk with her father about his “erections and ejaculation”.

Bernie Finn
Bernie Finn MP speaks during a sitting in the Legislative Council at the Victorian State Parliament in Melbourne, Tuesday, August 4, 2020. (AAP Image/James Ross)

The video of the parliamentary meeting made it to YouTube on April 5.

Finn says, “I wish to raise a matter this afternoon for the attention of the minister for education, and I have to say – It is not often in this job I am absolutely shocked. I thought I’d seen everything.”

He goes on to discuss a “note from a constituent” that included a photo of a worksheet that this persons 10-year-old daughter brought home from school. The note said, “Part of her homework was to discuss his erections and ejaculation with her father.” The mother of the girl continued “I find this very disturbing and sickening. I have complained to the school and was told it was just part of the curriculum.”

Part of the curriculum to discuss an adult mans’ erections and ejactulaion?

Yet teachers are screaming to the high heavens that our children are not being groomed.

Finn turned on the Chamber and furiously added, “Well, so say all of us. What the hell is going on in this state when 10-year-old girls are told to go home and talk to their father about his erections and ejaculations? What the hell is going on here?!

Society is on the verge of collapsing and our children are in danger. Those we entrust with them daily are warping their minds and creating a mentally unstable society. To simply brush off a homework assignment about a father’s erections and ejaculation is appalling.

Whatever happened to letting kids be kids? Why do so many people want to force them to deal with adult scenarios so early?

Teachers need to be held accountable for their actions as much as politicians do. For those quitting in Florida because they can no longer indoctrinate and groom children, well, good riddance. You aren’t the type of person who should be around children. If your entire being is centered around your identity and your genitals perhaps it’s a good thing that you do quit.

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