5 Preborn Children Found Dead
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Live Action Footage of 5 Preborn Children Found Dead in Washington DC, Some Showing Signs of Infanticide; Investigation Ensues

And now for some sad news… or enraging news if you’re like me. Just a fair warning that things will get graphic from this point, so be aware.

Footage coming from Lila Rose, founder of LiveAction.org, shows several bodies of babies, at least 5, who were found in Washington DC. They range from 16 weeks on through the 3rd trimester in gestational age. Some of the babies show signs of being born after botched abortions and then killed, otherwise known as infanticide. If true, it looks like Lila will be pressing lawmakers and law enforcement to investigate and dish out the appropriate punishment to whatever sick individuals committed this evil.

Final warning that what you are about to see is extremely graphic.


As you can see, these aren’t easy images to see, but it is important to know the type of evil we are dealing with. In my own honest opinion? This is the some of the most evil shit one can do. It’s up there with rape, easily. You’re taking the most vulnerable among us and throwing them to the trash. It’s disgusting.

After seeing these images, part of me wishes to catch the ones responsible so I can show them some of the pain they showed these human babies… but I know. I know. Don’t stoop to their level.

Mmmmm but man….

But enough of my own thoughts. What about yours? Let us know your true thoughts and feelings in the comments.

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