Democrat Maxine Waters is completely out-of-touch with reality and was caught on camera telling homeless families to “go home” at a chaotic event on Friday and later telling journalists not to write about the incident.
She tried desperately to keep the chaos that ensued in Los Angeles under wraps by reportedly telling a Los Angeles Times journalist, “You’ll hurt yourself and the community trying to put this together.”
What happened?
Fathers and Mothers Who Care, a nonprofit organization that aims to help the homeless community was overwhelmed by people who saw a social media post about housing vouchers being given out. The organization was quickly overwhelmed by the prospect of receiving a housing voucher. It didn’t help that Maxine Waters showed up.
Hundreds of homeless people showed up to obtain the much sought-after Section 8 housing vouchers that were falsely promoted on social media. An incorrect and unofficial post promised vouchers for permanent, subsidized housing to homeless people on Friday.
Linda Kelly, operations director of Fathers and Mothers Who Care, told the Los Angeles Times, “Someone got issued a voucher, their baby daddy or whoever was with them, and they posted it like, ‘Look, I got my voucher,’ and it went viral. Then Maxine Waters came and it went more viral.”
“The crowd overwhelmed Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority workers, who were unable to meet more than a small fraction of the need and left while throngs of people were still waiting for help,” the Los Angeles Times reported.
According to the New York Post Waters was present at the chaotic gathering and at one point addressed the crowd, which was comprised of homeless people, “I want everybody to go home.”
Waters, who is no stranger to threatening people, warned a journalist not to report on a story regarding an event she attended near a homeless encampment in Los Angeles where tensions boiled over amid confusion over Section 8 housing vouchers.

Her telling homeless folks to “go home” didn’t sit well with anyone in attendance. An angry response rose above the crowd.
“We don’t got no home, that’s why we’re here!” one member of the crowd reportedly said back. “What home we gonna go to? What home we gonna go to?”
Watters then grew frustrated and said, “Excuse me, there’s nobody in Washington who works for their people any f— harder than I do. I don’t want to hear this. No, no, no.”
The only person Maxine Waters works for is herself.
When a Los Angeles Times reporter contacted Waters about the event, she responded, “You’ll hurt yourself and the community trying to put this together without background,” she told reporter Connor Sheets, according to the Los Angeles Times. “I don’t want you to start trying to write it, you won’t understand it.”
One homeless disabled woman, Joyce Burnett, told the Los Angeles Times that she was having difficulty getting the answers she needed.
“Maxine Waters was here, and she said to come back Tuesday with our paperwork filled out,” Burnett said. “I have it, everything they asked for. But every time we get near the front of the line, they shut the door. They opened the door about 20 minutes ago and said they’re not servicing anyone else today.”
She is responsible for California District 43.

Looking at just the area where the chaotic event took place, Los Angeles, the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority released the results of the 2020 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count, which showed 66,436 people in Los Angeles County experiencing homelessness, Friday. This represents a 12.7% rise from last year’s point-in-time count. The city of Los Angeles saw a 16.1% rise to 41,290.
2020’s count revealed that two-thirds of the unsheltered adults experiencing homelessness were homeless for the first time last year, and 59% of them cited economic hardship as the cause.
Amid the 12.7% overall countywide rise, notable Count results appeared for several subpopulations:
- The number of seniors 62 and over rose 20%, an alarming increase receiving sharp focus during the pandemic. 1,023 seniors have been sheltered in Project Roomkey over the past few months, meaning that 34% of seniors 62 and over are now sheltered.
- We saw a 19% increase in homelessness among Transition Age Youth (TAY) Households and Unaccompanied Minors, which includes both individuals 18-24 and members of families headed by persons 18-24. Minor children in TAY-headed families and unaccompanied minors comprise 7% of this population.
- As was the case last year, the number of veterans remained relatively steady (0.6% increase), demonstrating that deploying more resources to house people gets results. Veterans have been the focus of most federal, state, and local investments over the past decade.
- Improvements in the Count methodology resulted in new baselines for family homelessness and chronic homelessness. A new, more accurate baseline for unsheltered families reflects a doubling of the number of surveys to those families. Better survey methods revealed that chronic homelessness is more widespread than previously understood.
- However, the rise in sheltered family members by 39% reflects the increased financial pressures on low-income families.
- Restructuring survey questions gave us new specificity on substance use while confirming previous estimates of mental health conditions. 14,284 unsheltered people (32%) report substance use, roughly double the prevalence under the previous methodology (this does not reflect population growth, only data refinement). 26% of unsheltered, or 11,711 people, report long-term mental health conditions.
Homelessness remains a problem of local system failures, debunking long-held myths. 80% of unsheltered Angelenos have lived here for more than five years. Two-thirds of unsheltered Angelenos became homeless in Los Angeles County.
Yet she claims she’s working harder than everyone else for her people?

The median household income is $64,939 while the per capita is $30,883.

However, the median value of a home in her district is $586,700?
How exactly is Maxine Waters working for the people in California District 43? She continues getting richer and richer the longer she serves as a public servant while her constituents suffer.
City voters had approved a $1.2 billion housing bond for the project back in 2016, but three years later only 46 housing units have reportedly been built for homeless citizens — each carrying a price tag of $549,000 to build. Where did the rest of that money go?