America'S Frontline Doctors Killed By Covid Vaccines
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A case in France where a multi-million dollar life insurance claim was denied due to the victim being killed by COVID vaccines. A similar issue could be coming to the United States.

America’s Frontline Doctors produce a report going over a case in France where a multi-million dollar life insurance claim was denied because the victim died from the COVID vaccine. What’s worse is that The American Council of Life Insurers has announced that claims from COVID vaccine deaths may be denied in the United States.

Watch the report by America’s Frontline Doctors.

It looks like they’ll twist this situation into however it best fits their needs. Either you “chose” to get the vaccine (you know because you would otherwise lose your livelihood) or because a “fully approved” drug is still experimental and so experimental drugs are not covered. This rock-and-a-hard-place is exactly one of those situations I thought could be a possibility. Just more reasoning that helps me feel good about my decision.

What do you think? Have you gotten it? Did you simply get it because you couldn’t lose your job? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

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