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Governor Mike DeWine of Ohio signed Senate Bill 215 into effect that allows any person aged 21 or older to conceal carry a firearm unless they are prohibited from possesing a gun under state or federal law.

“NRA thanks Gov. DeWine for signing this critical bill that upholds the Second Amendment in Ohio, for the benefit of law-abiding citizens,” the lobbying arm of the NRA stated. 

Governor Mike DeWine signed the pro 2A bill on Monday that will allow concealed carry without permits or prior training. That’s not all. Ohio residents will no longer be required to inform law enforcement that they are armed during traffic stops.

This is a win for the second amendment.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

The right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

Senate Bill 215 is one step closer to giving the people back their rights that the tyrannical government is attempting to strip away.

Senate Bill 215

Our Second Amendment rights are one of the only reasons that we still retain the few freedoms that we have. The leftists have been crazy about gun confiscation and blind obedience to the tyrants for as long as I can remember. It’s gotten to the point where some are even calling our constitution trash.

Newly minted Senate Bill 215 goes into effect 90 days after being signed into law.

Ohio makes the 23rd state in the Union to allow permit-less concealed carry. We’re almost 50% to 1776 standards.

Currently, Alabama, Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, New Hampshire, North Dakota, now Ohio Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, West Virginia, and Wyoming are the states that allow permit-less concealed carrying.

SB215 will also eliminate penalties for motorists who fail to proactively tell law enforcement about concealed handguns in their vehicles during traffic stops. However, drivers would still have to say whether they have a gun with them if an officer requests, according to cleveland.com.

Before SB215 motorists faced a first-degree misdemeanor, a $1,000 fine, and a suspension of their concealed carry license if they failed to proactively tell law enforcement that they were concealed carrying.

While the Democrats, stupidly, believe that stricter gun control laws are what we need in this country that couldn’t be further from the truth. The only people being punished with gun control laws are law-abiding citizens. Criminals don’t obey laws.

There is one good reason to still get your permit though. States that still infringe on your conceal carry rights may allow out-of-state firearm owners to carry concealed if they have their permit.

And since a federal background check is required to obtain a concealed carry permit, having a permit can expedite the gun-buying process by enabling purchasers to circumvent the redundant federal background check process.

This is a campaign promise that Governor DeWine made. He promised to be supportive of a law that would allow permit-less concealed carry.

“The job of the governor is to make tough decisions. And I have a decision to make,” DeWine said about Senate Bill 215.

“Any right requiring a fee or government permission slip isn’t much of a right at all. That’s why the NRA worked tirelessly with state leaders and legislators to pass this landmark legislation in Ohio,” said Jason Ouimet, NRA-ILA executive director. “The NRA commends Gov. DeWine for signing this important piece of legislation that protects the Second Amendment rights of all law-abiding Buckeyes.”

The law goes into effect on June 13, 2022.

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