Chinese News Media Russia
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Chinese News Media Posted Instructions to Social Media Platforms About How to Handle Coverage on the Ukraine Situation and Noted China’s Need for Russian “Support” with Solving the Taiwan Issue

China is apparently trying to seem limited on their support for Russia in Ukraine. Since they are an ally, China obviously supports Russia, but they want to seem a little more balanced as to not piss off the rest of the World, including the US. We know this because the Chinese news media slipped up and said it themselves.

Ming Jinwei, who is a senior editor at Xinhua News Agency (China State-funded), wrote in his WeChat blog about how his outlet needed to walk a tight line on its Ukraine coverage. The senior editor noted that China “has to back Russia up with emotional and moral support while refraining from treading on the toes of the United States and European Union.” He went on to say in his post that “in the future, China will also need Russia’s understanding and support when wrestling with America to solve the Taiwan issue once and for all.” Ming said that it “doesn’t hurt” to use limited, moderately pro-Russia language. 

And Horizon News, a social media account belonging to CCP-owned Beijing News, appeared to post similar instructions (see the tweet below) along with a note that no posts unfavorable to Russia or with pro-Western content should be published. The Horizon News post was later deleted, according to The Washington Post, but not before the Ling Li account saved it.

This is something I said would likely happen. If Russia goes full force into Ukraine, which looks like they may be, then Taiwan is China’s. They will absolutely use this conflict and situation for their own conflict with Taiwan. It’s just based on the fact that if it’s ever going to happen, now is the most perfect time available to them to do it and achieve the best outcome (for them).

China has also refused to call the conflict an “invasion” and blames the US.

The world is about to change drastically.

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