Canada Trucker ArrestedCanada Trucker Arrested
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Canadian police began arresting protesters early Sunday in an attempt to clear the Ambassador Bridge that connects Canada and the United States. It is the busiest US-Canadian border bridge.

Windsor, Ontario police said they started detaining protesters and towing away vehicles after dawn near the Ambassador Bridge.

Gretchen Whitmer, the Governor of Michigan, said in an interview that “The Canadian government has to do whatever it takes to safely and swiftly resolve [the blockade].”

On Saturday Canadian police attempted to convince protestors to move their vehicles which were blocking the bridge.

By Sunday morning there were two pickup trucks and less than a dozen protesters before the police descended on them. Twelve people were arrested and seven vehicles were towed Canadian police reported.

“We are protesting the government taking away our rights,” said Windsor resident Eunice Lucas-Logan, 67, who has been out demonstrating for four days. “We want the restrictions removed. We have to wait to find out.”

Canadian Police

The arrests at the Ambassador Bridge haven’t dampened the protests in Ottawa though. The protest began there a few weeks ago and hasn’t let up. The crowds have surged to almost 4,000 people as they continue to demand their freedoms from the tyrannical government and weak leader Justin Trudeau.

The Canadian Freedom Convoy has inspired movements around the world in countries like New Zealand, France, Finland, and even Australia.

People are fed up with the tyranny that has taken over since the pandemic shut the world down. We’ve watched as governments lied, the CDC lied, Fraudci lied….everyone has lied to us. They have attempted to silence doctors and researchers who speak out against the numbers that the MSM are putting out. They’ve called us conspiracy theorists and recently the American government has deemed us terrorists for daring to question the science.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has shown the world just how weak of a leader he is during this turbulent time. A poll done during the trucker protests has shown that only 16% of Canadians would “want to vote for him because of how he has dealt with the situation.”

“The last time I’ve seen numbers even close to this were in the final days of Brian Mulroney. I think this could cost him his job,” John Wright – executive vice-president of Maru Public Opinion and a 32-year industry veteran – told the Edmonton Journal.

Talk show host Bill Maher took aim at Trudeau on Friday night after the prime minister attempted to denigrate the truckers.

“They don’t believe in science, they’re often misogynistic, often racist,” Trudeau said of anti-vaccine mandate protesters in September. “They take up space, and with that we have to make a choice – in terms of a leader in a country – do we tolerate these people?”

Maher compared Trudeau’s comments to Adolf Hitler.

Maher remarked, “‘Tolerate these people?’ Now you do sound like Hitler.”

We continue to stand with the truckers and these protests. Which is why if you purchase select products from our store, $5 of every product purchased goes to the truckers and the Freedom Convoy.

Canadian Police Start Arresting Freedom Convoy Protesters 1
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