Crazy Joe Bidencrazy joe biden
Article Sponsor: We the People Holsters

Former vice president Joe Biden has been installed in the White House for a year as of today and it has been an utter failure for his entire administration. Poll numbers show that his approval rating is at an all time low 33%.

Former vice president Joe Biden has been sitting behind the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office for an entire year, though it feels like a decade to sane Americans. Going into this joke of a presidency we knew that he was going to tear our country apart and drive us into an economic downturn.

I honestly didn’t think it would get as bad as it has.

The federal government continues to pass spending bills increasing our country’s debt more than any of us could fathom, they continue to print off money essentially destroying the value of the dollar, and we have watched the steady mental decline of our “president” in front of our eyes.

As former President Barack Obama was reported to have said, referring to Biden, “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f— things up.”

And boy has he.

We’ve seen a drastic increase in inflation. In December the Consumer Price Index rose 7% from the year before, the fastest rate since June of 1982. The rate accelerated to 9.1% over the past three months and real median wages are down $11.58 since Biden took office.

Biden denied that inflation was even an issue for such a long time. Last year Democrats increased federal spending by a whopping 54% and were expecting there to be no inflation. This drastic increase in spending led to the horrendous supply chain issues that we are currently dealing with. Production fell behind the demand and thanks to the ongoing “pandemic” that this current administration promised to get control of has slowed the movement of goods anywhere. It doesn’t help that federal and state governments shut down the ports where cargo ships would dock to unload goods to the American people.

These are just small samplings as to why Quinnipac polling shows that former vice president Joe Biden’s approval rating is a measly 33%.


Yet he was the “most popular president” in American history with 81 million votes?

Our unemployment rate has been out of control. Especially as the great resignation continues. The fact that the installed administration attempted to push vaccine mandates on every citizen in the country doesn’t help.

The number of workers filing new unemployment claims in the United States has again increased unexpectedly, the Labor Department said in its weekly report — to the highest level in months.

The department said there were 286,000 new filings nationwide — the most since October and once again above the prepandemic cutoff level of 256,000.

Of course, one could say that it’s because of his mental decline over the past year.

James Rosen from Newsmax asked Biden an awkward question during his first presser of 2022 on Wednesday.

“Thank you very much for this honor,” Rosen began.

“I’d like to raise a delicate subject, but with the utmost respect for life accomplishments and the office you hold,” he continued.

“A poll released this morning by Politico Morning Consult found 49% of registered voters disagreeing with the statement, ‘Joe Biden is mentally fit.’” Biden scoffed as Rosen continued. “Not even a majority of Democrats who responded strongly affirmed that statement.”

“Well, you’ll make the judgment whether they’re correct,” Biden interjected.

“So the question I have for you if you’d let me finish, is why do you suppose such large segments of the American electorate have come to harbor such profound concerns about your cognitive fitness?” Rosen concluded.

“I have no idea,” was all Biden said before moving on to the next reporter.

It’s not just Joe Biden who is facing the music for the abysmal job of the administration. The cackling and largely missing “vice president” that nobody likes snapped when questioned about the statements Biden has made during a recent press conference.

“Today” host Savannah Guthrie asked Kamala Harris about the presser and his comments on Russia-Ukraine and his statements questioning the legitimacy of the 2022 elections.

Harris snapped after Guthrie pointed out the Democrats’ election bills were debated and didn’t pass through the senate.

“Well, to the point, because those bills were debated, the bills were debated and they didn’t pass,” Guthrie said.

“If I may finish! if I may finish!” Harris said interrupting Guthrie.

Is the installed administration realizing that their failures are showing? They are cracking at the seams and they’re going to implode on themselves soon enough. More and more Democrats are seeing that their party is not out to help them as they once thought.

It’s a party out to help the government and politicians. We’re seeing the hypocrites as they party without their masks on despite locking us down and demanding we stay home.

Remember their failures and missed promises when it comes time to vote this November. Remember this come our next presidential election in 2024.

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