Mayor Lightfoot
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On Monday Cook County Judge Mitchell ruled that Chicago can’t enforce vaccine mandates on police officers. He stresed the fact that you can’t “undo a vaccine” and “meaningful arbitration” must commence.

Chicago’s police officers are safe from Mayor Lightfoot’s mandates after a Cook County judge ruled that the city can’t enforce vaccine mandates until arbitration commences.

Judge Raymond Mitchell told Chicago Police Department’s labor unions and the city’s leaders that they need to continue negotiations on COVID requirements and restrictions.

There are “two competing public interests, but one interest need not be scuttled in favor of another,” Judge Raymond Mitchell wrote in his ruling, according to the Chicago Sun-Times.

Judge Mitchell

Judge Mitchell ruled that it was okay for Chicago to require officers to report their vaccination status and undergo Covid testing but forced vaccinations is going too far.

“The reporting obligation itself is a minimal intrusion, particularly considering that officers already are obligated to provide medical information to their employer,” the judge wrote.

The Judge’s ruling on Monday still upholds that the city can continue placing police officers on a no-pay status for disobeying the October 15 reporting requirement, but the December 31 deadline to be vaccinated or face consequences no longer applies.

Judge Mitchell
Photo By Scott Olson/Getty Images

“The mandate continues,” Lightfoot said, according to the Sun-Times. “Our lawyers are looking at the judge’s ruling. They’re looking at what our legal options are. But what I know is, we cannot stop. … This is about saving peoples’ lives.”

“How many more members have to die before you come to the table?” Lightfoot said. “If you’re serious about it, come to the table every single day, starting today, and let’s get a deal done.”

Something that these Democrats and Rinos can’t seem to comprehend is freedom of choice. People are a lot more aware of what is going on in the country and in the world now than in the past. We know and demand that these political leaders respect our decisions, everybody’s decision.

Unfortunately for a group of 130 firefighters and other city workers, a federal judge in Chicago refused to grant an emergency request to halt their mandate in a separate legal battle.

That decision isn’t hampering others from seeking their own lawsuits though. This week more city employees filed yet a third federal lawsuit against the city demanding a temporary restraining order against the Democratic mayor’s vaccination mandate.

More and more people are standing up the tyranny that is gripping our country. Doctors, nurses, police, firefighters, and so many others are sacrificing careers that they have spent their lives building because they choose freedom over tyranny.

More of us need to stand up and say no. Our employers and the government do not get to dictate what we inject into our bodies. They scream my body, my choice when it comes to murdering unborn children but when it actually comes to something that deals with our bodies we’re expected to obey blindly.

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