Topher Let'S Go Brandon
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The iTunes Charts Will Soon Add Another “Let’s Go Brandon” Track Now That Topher Has Released His Own

Getting sick of the “Let’s Go Brandon” phenomenon, yet? Hopefully you’re not, as there’s yet another song based on the chant and phrase. This one, however, is up there on the same level as Bryson Gray’s track.

If you don’t know who Topher is, he’s another independent conservative rapper and Air Force veteran who is very outspoken against the Biden administration and those who don’t follow our Constitution. Christopher “Topher” Townsend has released songs like “Insurgent” (featuring Burden and Bryson Gray) and “The Patriot” (featuring The Marine Rapper).

Topher’s “Let’s Go Brandon” track bumps with the help of D.Cure and The Marine Rapper, and it goes after Joe Biden’s disastrous Afghanistan debacle where 11 Marines, 1 Navy Corpsman and 1 Soldier lost their lives while also dropping facts on the Hunter Biden scandals.

Listen to the new track below and think about how it compares to the others.

Like it? Hate it? How does it compare to Bryson Gray’s and other “Let’s Go Brandon” songs? Let us know all your thoughts below in the comments or start a conversation in the forums, and don’t forget to check out all our very own “Let’s Go Brandon” merch and more in the store.

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