Lets Go Brandon Bryson Gray
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Bryson Gray Leads the Top 4 U.S. Hip-Hop Songs Titled “Let’s Go Brandon;” Number 8 is Also Titles the Same by Forgiato Blow

After YouTube removed and banned Bryson Gray’s “Let’s Go Brandon” song and video due to “medical misinformation,” it has now hit number one. Many didn’t want Bryson Gray to dethrone Adele from the top spot, but not only did that happen, now spots 2 through 4 have been taken over by “Lets Go Brandon” tracks.

In the number 2 and 3 spots are two different versions of Loza Alexander’s “Lets Go Brandon” track. The number 4 spot slides in Godz Child’s track, which is a Loza Alexander remix. If you stay in the top 10, you can find Forgiato Blow’s own track of, yes, the same name.

We here at Offensively Patriotic have been following Bryson Gray’s career ever since he denounced his previous music and made a change for the greater good. He no longer swears (which was never an issue with us), but also no longer raps about money, drugs and hoes. We bring this up because anytime a person makes a change like he has, many call them grifters. I think it’s hard to be a grifter when you are making changes to your own character.

Bryson is also a stout supporter of the Bill of Rights and makes sure he sets an example as such everywhere he goes. The places he goes includes protests and demonstrations, which is something modern trap rappers built up from the corporate rap world won’t ever do.

I think this is the best “Lets Go Brandon” track out there. The video has been reuploaded to YouTube on another channel named Hyper Q, but we aren’t sure hoe much longer it will stay up. We’ll serve this another way if it is taken down again. Until then, watch it below.

What are your thoughts on this phenomenon? Check out our “Lets Go Brandon” merch in our store and don’t forget to leave a comment!

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