Uchealth Removes Unvaccinated Patients From Life Saving Transplant List 1
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UCHealth announced that they will deny organ transplants to patients who have not been vaccinated against Covid-19 “in almost all situation” under a new policy.

UCHealth operates multiple hospitals and urgent care facilities throughout Colorado. They confirmed on Wednesday that all organ transplant recipients and living donors must be vaccinated against Covid before undergoing procedures.

Healthcare administrators at UCHealth said the policy changes occurred due to studies showing transplant patients are 20% more likely to die from Covid

But vaccinated folks can also catch and spread Covid so why are there no policies against them?

“This is why it is essential that both the recipient and the living donor be vaccinated and take other precautions prior to undergoing transplant surgery,” UCHealth said in a statement. “Surgeries may be postponed until patients take all required precautions in order to give them the best chance at positive outcomes.”

One transplant recipient from UCHealth, Leilani Lutali, and her kidney donor, Jaimee Fougner, sat down with “Fox & Friends First” on Thursday to tell their story. 

UCHealth is not the only hospital system denying transplant patients the life-saving surgeries they so desperately need to not die.


The University of Washinton Medical Center also announced that any of their transplant patients who refuse to get the Covid vaccine will be dropped from the waitlist. All transplant patients must be fully vaccinated before undergoing any procedures unless there are very specific medical exceptions that prevent them from doing so.

Again, what is being done about the vaccinated who catch and spread Covid? They are able to do anything even though they are as big a “threat” as us unvaccinated?

It would seem that these healthcare systems are doing a lot of harm to their vulnerable patients. Isn’t that against the Hippocratic oath?

We’re living in a segregated world where you are punished for wanting to take your own medical well-being into your own hands. You’re demonized for not trusting in big pharma, government, and the Fraudci.

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