Breaking: Gateway Pundit Whistleblower Shows Mbmc Lying About Covid Patients 1
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A whitleblower went to Gateway Pundit with information about Missouri Baptist Medical Center, MBMC, lying about their ICU’s being overrun with Covid patients.

Josh Snider, a facilities management employee at MBMC, told Gateway Pundit, “I watched our hospital administrators say in the media that our intensive care units were overflowing with COVID patients, at 98% capacity, knowing that it was a complete and utter lie.” 

MBMC administrators reported that their ICUs were at 98% capacity. Snider contradicted those claims stating that the hospital administrators closed down 3 out of 4 of their ICUs during Covid due to there being no need for the beds.

“And even after shutting down three-fourths of our ICU capacity, they were still never more than 50% full with that drastically reduced overall capacity. These medical systems that are saying they are overrun with COVID patients are likely LYING TO THE PUBLIC,” Snider said.

Snider doesn’t have just photos of the empty ICU floors. He provided an internal graph sent to employees and the graph that was provided to the public.

The number on the internal graph simply do not match up with what was reported to media outlets and released to the public. Snider

“I would have to adjust the airflow in some of the rooms of people in the ICU with COVID, they were fine. I believe in COVID, I know it’s serious, but I also personally saw people who were fine, they had a terminal case of boredom. I spoke with these people and they weren’t sick at all, they felt fine but were told they had to stay there. Many brought their PlayStations with them to waste away the days with video games instead.”

The charts that Snider provided to the Gateway Pundit show that there was a relatively normal track for COVID infections at the MBMC. Even during periods of infection spikes in the national population, those spikes are not found in the hospital data.

It’s hard to believe that a healthcare system would stoop so low as to lie about their Covid numbers. Going so far as to create two separate charts. One for their employees and one for everyone else. They may be worse than the New York hospital that opted to stop delivering babies rather than fight back against the Covid mandate.

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