Two weeks ago, more than 60 Texas Democratic lawmakers — 56 state representatives and nine state senators fled the state for Washington, D.C., to deny the Texas House the required representatives to block Republican-backed voter legislation from certain passage and now Dallas Democrats are blasted for soliciting donations for care packages for these wayward representatives.
The group took to advertising a donation drive over the weekend on Twitter which received the kind of backlash you would expect for entitled, overpaid adults who are refusing to do their tax-payer-funded jobs.

What the Dallas Democrats fail to mention in their tweet is that failed Presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke donated $600,000 to the group of traitors already. Not to mention Texas taxpayers are paying them $221 per diem during the special session to do nothing. They are being housed in a luxury hotel that has 24/7 room service.
Why do they need these care packages from home? Rather than sending these Texas deserters “care packages” why not donate to worthy causes such as the DC Foodbank? Maybe Feeding America? Or even Offensively Patriotics own The Forgotten Patriots organization? Groups that are trying to help those who actually need the help.
The average US Congressperson earns $154,000+ / year.
Why do they need your donations while they’re living in a luxury hotel with room service that they’re not paying for?