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Spring Breakers Commit Violence, Destroy Restaurants Leading to Miami Beach Declaring State of Emergency

Miami Beach’s entertainment district tried to shut down the partying on Saturday by imposing an 8 p.m. curfew and closing the causeways into the city to visiting traffic.

 Interim City Manager Raul Aguila stated “These crowds are in the thousands. We’re at capacity.” Aguila told the Miami Herald that he recommends keeping the emergency measures in place through April 12, or the end of spring break.

This has some business owners worried that the curfew could cripple venues banking on the tourists to help them bounce back from the pandemic.

The 8 p.m. curfew affects South Beach’s main commercial strips — Ocean Drive, Washington Avenue, Collins Avenue and Española Way — from Fifth to 16th streets. Area restaurants, which were previously allowed to make food deliveries until 6 a.m., are now prohibited from staying open past midnight for deliveries.

The mayor and public health officials have also expressed concern about the potential spread of COVID-19 among the largely maskless crowds. Miami Beach leaders believe many spring break visitors have been drawn to the city by Florida’s lenient coronavirus restrictions.

“I believe it’s a lot of pent-up demand from the pandemic and people wanting to get out,” Commissioner David Richardson said.

We’ve spent the past year locked up in our houses, forced to wear masks, and have dealt with a tyrannical government. It’s no wonder that as states open up people want to reclaim their freedom. Unfortunately, not everyone can behave themselves and they ruin it for everyone else.

Covid has been hot a topic everywhere. New York and European countries are preparing for more lockdowns. Biden is on tv constantly begging people to get the jab. Fauci is encouraging people to wear two masks now. Some news outlets are saying three. Nevermind that you can’t breathe.

Enjoy your freedom. Don’t allow anyone to take it away.

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