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Investigation: Corruption in Hollywood and DC

A two-week mission, Operation Not Forgotten, had led to the rescue of endangered and missing children in Georgia last week. 39 missing children were rescued and 9 suspects have been arrested.

“The message to missing children and their families is that we will never stop looking for you,” Donald Washington, the director of the Marshals Service, said.

“Operation Not Forgotten” led to the rescue of 26 missing children and the safe location of 13 more, according to authorities.

This is an ongoing issue in not just our country, but the world. Our children are being taken and abused, raped, and murdered for the pleasure of the perverts and deviants of this world; elites and politicians included.

California Eases Pedophile’s Registry

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As the world wakes to the fact that there is a serious pediophile problem, California is making it easier for the perverts of their state.

This new bill will make it harder for parents and guardians to discover where the pedophiles are in their neighborhoods. It’s giving more of a pass to these child rapists.

There was another website brought to our attention that honestly made us sick. I can’t even begin to explain the utter repulsion that went through me as a woman, a mother, and a human being.

The Pedo’s Website This will give you an error message.

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If you type in the disgusting words there into your browser you see this.

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It’s a website for pedophiles. It’s a form like thing where 230 members go about discussing their nasty attraction to children, how to seduce children, and how to rape them.

Yet those of us on the right are told how everything we believe in is wrong.

President Trump has been cracking down on pedophilia in this country.

Shortly before the third night of the DNC a reporter asked, “The crux of the [QAnon] theory is this belief that you are secretly saving the world from this Satanic cult of pedophiles and cannibals. Does that sound like something you are behind?”

“Well I haven’t heard that,” Trump said. “Is that supposed to be a bad thing or a good thing?”

“If I can help save the world from problems, I’m willing to do it. I’m willing to put myself out there,” he added. “And we are actually. We are saving the world from a radical left philosophy that will destroy this country, and when this country is gone the rest of the world will follow.”

The MSM seems to ignore the fact that there are children being rescued from these sex trafficking rings, choosing instead to focus on the riots, looting and murders being committed by BLM and Antifa.

We’ve become a society that is allowing our children to be taken and used for these demented peoples pleasures. Career politicians who think they own the world are openly doing these things with no fear of repercussions. Why aren’t we standing up to them? If there was ever a reason or a cause for everyone to say no, it’s when it comes to the safety of our children.

Officials like Chuck Schumer will attack Trump and his policies or things out of his control, yet he’s pictured kissing little girls.

As Hilary emerges from the dank hole she’s been in lately, endorsing Joe Biden for president and encouraging him not to concede if he loses (that’s another issue to discuss later) we see more photos of her husband, former president Bill Clinton, with Epstein victims.

We’ve also seen Netflix come out with a movie that is beyond controversial.

It’s happening right in front of us but everyone is so consumed with words that hurt and “not fair” that we ignore the dangers our children are in.

Netflix isn’t the only entertainment business that is releasing shocking news like a soft core porn with children, last week 2 Disney employees were arrested for having child porn.

Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd said the two arrested Disney employees were Brett Kinney, 40, of Lake Alfred, PokFla., and Donald Durr, Jr., 52, of Davenport, Fla. as part of an undercover probe into child pornography conducted by detectives who work on computer crime cases

Everywhere we look we see it. It’s time that we #SaveOurChildren

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