Male Police Officer Pats Down Female Rioter
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Police Officer Pats Down Female Rioter and the Based Police Officer Uses Identity Politics

We have been warning the left that their identity politics would one day come back to bite them. We’ve now come to the point where identity politics is so mainstream that even police officers can use it against you.

On August 9th 2020 in Portland, during the arrest of a female Antifa rioter by male officers, a male officer is seen giving a pat down. You’ll here other rioters moaning and groaning about needing a female officer to implement the pat down. Once the officer hears her, his based response is probably the most amazing thing you’ll hear all week.

Watch the clip and wait for the brilliant response from the office.

No matter if you agree that a female officer should be undertaking the pat down to a female rioter or not, the left has created this world where it doesn’t really matter any longer.

How hard did you laugh at the officer’s response? Let us know below by creating an account if you haven’t already.

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Video: Based Police Officer Uses Progressive Playbook Against Antifa 1

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