Colorado Pro Police Rally
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Pro Police Rally in Ft. Collins, Colorado Ends With Antifa Being Arrested

A pro police rally recently held in Ft. Collins, Colorado saw Antifa being pushed out of the neighborhood. At once point, Antifa dips their hand in the cookie jar and goes after the veteran in a wheelchair. After multiple attempts at this, the pro police rally members start jumping on and beating the Antifa members responsible for their heinous actions against the veteran.

This pushes Antifa further out where they seem to want some action from the local police. At that point, we get to sit back and watch as the police arrest Antifa members.

See the greatness for yourself.

This was something to see. With so many videos out of Portland and other cities showing Antifa and BLM getting away with looting, armed threats and worse, this warms the heart.

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Video: Colorado Pro Police Rally Backs Antifa Out Of Neighborhood, Antifa Arrested 1

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