Essex Westford School District
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Essex Westford School District Held a Unanimous Vote To Raise BLM Flags

The EWSD voted unanimously on July 6th, 2020 to raise the BLM flag at all school buildings. Today, they live streamed the flag being raised at the high school, raising it in unison at each of the EWSD schools, “in solidarity with Black people in our schools, our community, and our world.”

To make it worse, the school system has also outlined resources for parents dealing with Black Lives Matter, racial issues, love and more. Many of the resources delve into topics that seem to match the agenda of Black Lives Matter themselves.

Here’s the BLM flag being raised.

Well, most people talk about how our public school system has become brainwashing tools for the Marxists and Communists. Now, they fly their flags too.

And before the questions arise about the unanimous vote and whether parents and residents agree with that vote, here’s a small glimpse at the comments from that video’s Facebook page..

Essex Westford School District Comments

There are a lot more of these comments that agree with the BLM flag being flown at this school system. Each of the comments definitely has a few ‘angry’ reactions, though. Either way, the Essex Westford School District is the first school to be fully inaugurated into BLM. How long until the American Flag hanging above it is considered racist and has to be removed?

You already know we don’t stand for this, but what are your thoughts? Create an account for your own blog activity wall and to comment.

Essex Westford School District In Vermont Raises Blm Flags At All Schools 1
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