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BLM is Now Terrorizing Patrons at Restaurants and Others on Streets

A Black Lives Matter member is caught on camera yelling through a megaphone at restaurant patrons. He harasses and threatens a few and at one point gets upset that a patron laughs at him. The BLM member tells him to laugh at him again.

“Don’t you ever laugh at my face again,” the man says while taunting him to come out to the streets so he can deal with him.

Watch for yourself.

Black Lives Matter and Antifa are now getting ballsy enough to not only go to nicer locations, but they are willingly threatening people while being recorded. This is what happens when they grow in power from not being handled from the very beginning.

City leaders need to start allowing the police off of their leashes and crack down on these terrorists, like Austin.

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Blm Now Harassing, Threatening Restaurant Patrons 1
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