Voter Fraud
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“You can turn on Fox News almost any day and see some fictional story about voter fraud, the whole purpose of which is to limit voting by the poor, the elderly, college students and minorities.” – Cenk Uygur

Those fictional stories aren’t so fictional, now are they Cenk? Of course, the fraud isn’t on the side of the right. No. Not this time. This time it’s the Democrats. However, the person who committed the fraud is a mayor and not top echelon like they’re trying to take down. But it goes to show that their ranks aren’t so squeaky clean.

We’ve been hearing about Russian collusion and voter fraud since 2016. Even with the left screaming to the skies that we just had to accept the results of the election.

Of course we know that isn’t what happened. The election results have been fought about for the past 3 years. Most recently the Mueller report came out and guess what? No collusion. So, we all know that Dems weren’t stopping there. They couldn’t be happy that our president wasn’t colluding with foreign leaders. Nope. They started talks on impeaching him for obstruction. Obstructing what? No idea. I don’t think they know either.

Have you ever heard of Richard Molina? He’s a mayor in a Texas border town. He’s a Democrat. He and his wife have been arrested for voter fraud on Thursday in Edinburg, Texas. Richard is accused of rigging his 2017 election win. There were sixteen other people also arrested in the scheme that used fraudulent registrations to inflate his vote tally. If convicted, Molina could be convicted of a first-degree felony for organizing an election fraud screen, as well as a 2nd-degree felony for illegal voting. His wife is being charged with illegal voting.

The city of Edinburg is home to approximately 90,000 people. It’s also headquarters for U.S. Customs and Border Protections operations in the Rio Grande Valley. (Hmmm…not suspicious at all.) Molina took the mayoral seat by about 1,200 votes. He’s also accused of having voters change their addresses to places they didn’t live, including an apartment complex he owned.

Of course, he’s denying all the charges, even going so far as to accuse a political rival. Their attorney released a statement.
“My client and his wife are victims of a power struggle,” attorney Carlos Garcia, who represents the mayor, told The Progress Times on Thursday. “We intend to fight these charges, and both of them are absolutely innocent of what the state alleges.”

“Voter fraud is an affront to democracy and places the decision-making authority of the Texas electorate in the hands of those who have no right to make those choices. Voter apathy is caused by rigged elections with guaranteed outcomes.”

Republican Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton

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