Abortion Protestors Attempt To Storm Capitol Buildings And Terrorize Communities, Will They Be Held Accountable For Their Insurrection And Domestic Terrorism? 1
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Abortion protestors were quick to take to the streets after the Supreme Court overturned Roe V Wade returning the decision to each individual state. Where the decision should be made. As the day progressed they took to trying to storm Capitol Buildings and terrorizing communities. Will they be held accountable for their insurrection and domestic terrorism like those from J6?

Roe was egregiously wrong from the start,” Justice Samuel Alito wrote. “Its reasoning was exceptionally weak, and the decision has had damaging consequences. And far from bringing about a national settlement of the abortion issue, Roe and Casey have enflamed debate and deepened division.”

Democrat politicians and leaders encouraged the protestors, knowing that a leftist protest always devolves into destruction and violence.

Recap: Day one of the abortionist insurrection…

Originally tweeted by APOCTOZ (@Apoctoz) on June 25, 2022.

Pro-abortion and Antifa -linked group Jane’s Revenge vowed to undertake a “night of rage” after the Supreme Court’s ruling on allowing states to make the final call. Black bloc protesters wielding umbrellas marched through the streets of Washington, D.C.

Night Of Rage

The group chanted slogans such as, “If abortion ain’t safe, neither are you,” “If we don’t get it, burn it down,” “Every city, every town, burn the precinct to the ground,” and “F*** the church, f*** the state, we won’t let them decide our fate.” The protesters burned American flags.

How long until the FBI starts arresting these people? Will Democrats screech for trials? Will they hold these people in Gulags for an undetermined amount of time with no charges?


“If we don’t get it, BURN IT DOWN”

ANTIFA marches down the streets of Washington DC calling for violence in the streets after the overturn of Roe v Wade.

Originally tweeted by TheBlaze (@theblaze) on June 25, 2022.

Friday night approximately 8,000 pro-abortion terrorists descended on the Capitol building in downtown Phoenix, Arizona essentially holding lawmakers hostage.

The protest began at 7 p.m., and featured protest signs that read: “Keep your Bible off my body,” “Why are old men making laws on my body” “forced birth is fascism,” “You’re killing us,” and “my body my rage.”

“Protesters threatened to break the AZ Senate entryway glass,” Republican Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers tweeted, as members were in the middle of voting on a series of bills.

The situation escalated into a “hostage” situation as lawmakers were instructed not to exit the building, Republican Arizona State Senator Kelly Townsend said.

“We are currently there being held hostage inside the Senate building due to members of the public trying to breach our security,” she tweeted Friday night. “We smell tear gas and the children of one of the members are in the office sobbing with fear.”

“I expect a J24 committee to be created immediately,” she added — equating the pro-abortion demonstrators to the rioters who protested peacefully at the US Capitol on January 6, 2021.


“This is just the beginning,” one protester told CNN.

Early on Saturday a crowd of 17,000 domestic terrorists, I mean protestors, marched through midtown Manhattan. At least a dozen people were arrested.

Pallets of bricks were photographed in DC yesterday. I don’t remember pallets of bricks during J6.

Abortion Protestors Attempt To Storm Capitol Buildings And Terrorize Communities, Will They Be Held Accountable For Their Insurrection And Domestic Terrorism? 2

The Biden White House on Saturday didn’t rule out building abortion clinics on federal land in red states as a ‘workaround.’

“Some activists are pushing for abortion clinics to be built on federal land in conservative states. Is this an option the administration is considering?” a reporter asked White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre during a press gaggle en route to Munich, Germany.

“We’re gonna continue to look at what other options we have.” Karine Jean-Pierre said.

Where does the hypocrisy end? It’s fine for leftists and the psychotic to protest a decision that reverts rights back to states, but people protesting a corrupt government are held in Gulags for over a year?

At what point do we say enough and stand up to the insanity that has been let loose on our country?

Democrats and those on the left, including Antifa, need to be held accountable for the uncontrollable actions that are becoming more and more dangerous with each act of terrorism they commit. There needs to be a J24 committee to investigate those leaders who called for the violence in the streets as AOC and Maxine Waters do over and over again.

They need to be removed from office.

How much longer must we sit back and simply tolerate this level of insanity and evil before we stand up to them?

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2 years ago

Will They Be Held Accountable For Their Insurrection And Domestic Terrorism? Bwahaha!
You must be kidding!
If they were conservatives? PEACEFULLY protesting the theft of the 2020 election? Or the jailing of PEACEFUL protesters in Capital? Then OF COURSE they would be held accountable. (but the lefts day is coming!)

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